Bolt Action: "Raiders" (Due April 2020)?

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We have heard about this before on various podcasts, its now listed on at least one site for pre-order...

The Blurb: 

A new evolution of the Bolt Action wargaming rules, focusing on small-scale, man-to-man skirmishes, raids, and patrol encounters.

Throughout World War II, small-scale missions had--or could have had--a crucial impact upon the outcomes of battles, operations, and even entire theaters of conflict. From sabotaging hydroelectric plants in Norway and assassination attempts against Rommel in North Africa, to the defense of Pavlov's House at Stalingrad and covert landings in the Pacific and Normandy, Bolt Action: Raiders focuses on these desperate and hard-fought battles.

With rules based on the classic Bolt Action system, Raiders provides everything needed to recreate these critical operations--scenarios, rules for both special forces and regular troops, and a new campaign system that adds a narrative element to games. Watch your squad grow from green recruits to hardened veterans, gaining skills and abilities as they gain experience. Requiring only a handful of miniatures per side, Raiders is both an exciting new way to play Bolt Action and a perfect starting point for new players.

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Bolt Action: Campaign: Mariana & Palau Islands

Peter West From Bolt action Australia already gave us the scoop on this but listed now with an image and blurb, due October 2019:

Bolt Action: Campaign: Mariana & Palau Islands
The Mariana and Palau Islands campaign, also known as Operation Forager, was intended to facilitate the recapture of the Philippines and to provide bases for the bombing of the Japanese mainland. This new Campaign Book for Bolt Action allows players to refight the fierce battles of Saipan, Peleliu, Guam, and many others. With new, linked scenarios, rules, troop types, and Theater Selectors provide plenty of options for both novice and veteran players alike.

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Fortress Budapest - Bolt Action Supplement

The new Bolt Action Fortress Budapest Supplement is out now, I don't know anything abut this region and wasn't planning to purchase this book. 

However..., 15 min into this podcast interviewing Bryan Cook the author (and part of a team?) I have ordered. Another one to look forwrad to. :-)

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My new custom print (cheap) gaming mat

First impressions of my new custom print (cheap) gaming mat. Its vinyl (so yuck) but it was half the price of "the real thing". Ill let you know how it works out, I can already see that there are + and -, its really an exercise, I wasn't sure what to expect.

Also check out this podcast for more detail on mats

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2999 Hits
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Battle Frame 5000 by Back 2 Base-ix Wargaming Products

We will be talking about this product in a future podcast, the video is pretty old but they are still listed on the web site for purchase and look like an interesting product.

Web site:

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2282 Hits

Knights Of Dice miniature wargaming case video "review"

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See below for my first impressions video of the Knights Of Dice miniature wargaming case. The "Campaign Case". 

Spoiler: I love it!!


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Fortress Budapest - New Bolt Action Campaign book

Fortress Budapest - New Bolt Action Campaign book, Pre-order now on various sites, due out 21 Mar 2019 (or so they say)

No further details that I have found.

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New Warlord/Bolt Action US infantry boxed set comparison

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A new US infantry boxed set has been released recently by Warlord games for bolt action. Below are some comparisons between the old set and the new. So I guess I will be selling my old set then !! (still on the sprew) Screen shots from this review:


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Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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