Last Weekend, Saturday 8th March 2025, Nathan- one of the local Bolt Action TOs- held an event at Ironhorse Hobbies, a fantastic hobby store here in Christchurch, NZ. I was lucky enough to actually be at home on this weekend and so was quick to sign up when Nathan put the word out. In addition, some of the players in our gaming 'silo' were also available to play and so It was that Craig, Simon and I turned up early morning on the Saturday ready for a days gaming and meet the other players for the event.
Nathan had set the points limit at 1250 Pts for this one day, three-game event. And apart from this the only restriction was that all armies were to be selected from the V3 Rulebook selectors and minor nations PDFs, and so as Germany was the only nation at the time with their own armies of book published this was a levelling exercise between nations.
Another admin point was that Nathan had asked if players could provide some tables and terrain where possible, and as an incentive one of the prizes offered on the day was for 'Best Table', and so we had a cracking variety of tables for the event:
This Table ( above )was provided by Sam, a player that hadn't played BA since the start of 2nd Ed. Not only was this a cracking table but he also had a nicely painted IJA army he was playing on the day. I liked the colours running through the terrain and mat- especially the fact the cobblestone roads weren't just a plain grey.
Clink on the link below to continue reading... lots of photos as well