Mediterranean Madness; completed X Arditi and More!

Dan shares his latest completed Italians; X Arditi sahariana patrol vehicles, and a weapons team, Sicilian campaign Durham Light Infantry and some more completed British paratroopers and German Fallschirmjager.

  1947 Hits
1947 Hits

New camera makes Dan's painting look even better!

What better subject for testing out my new camera but snapping some pix of Dan's minis which are visiting me for a top secret mission.

Click to see full sized image and then click or pinch to zoom in.

  1697 Hits
1697 Hits

Bolt Action: Campaign: Italy: Soft Underbelly pre-order

If your like me and you end up purchasing the physical and e-book copy of all the Bolt action Books then you will be keen to know that the Bolt Action: Campaign: Italy: Soft Underbelly pre-order is now live on the Kindle Store, this also means we have a release date* of Oct 28 2021 . 

Also its at the bargain price of $14.21! (US$?)

Let the painting begin (well continue...)

  1863 Hits
1863 Hits

French town square project

 I'm building a French town square for my French village for 28mm Bolt action. So far I have a blank space with a nice cobbled base courtesy of a texture roller from OTP terrain. Its a good first step I have also 3D printed some tables and chairs and a fountain as a start of the scatter terrain. Looking forward to painting.

  2119 Hits
2119 Hits

Dans Hobby Update, April '21

Dans Back! And he shows us what he's been up to. Featuring Warlord Games' Battlefield Debris set, Luftwaffe Field Div and more finished stuff..(Incl. British Airborne of course!). Plus he shows off some loot he received from May '40 Miniatures Fallshirmjager kickstarter. Thanks for watching! 

  1981 Hits
1981 Hits

Great game of Bolt Action with Ian and Ian

I had a great game of Bolt Action WWII goodness with wargame buddies Ian and Ian last week. The Soviets faced a worthy enemy Australians, hard combat and armed with Two 25 pounders. Little Kate did well and some very brave moves were made but I was beaten pretty well by Ian's Ozzies.

[Note if your viewing this on mobile its best viewed horizontal]

  2740 Hits
2740 Hits

Kindle store special: BA D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors

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The kindle store is running a special right now, pre-order the Bolt Action: Campaign: D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors Campaign ebook for only US$10.90, around 50% off.

We still love the smell of new paper and love supporting our FLGS so we normally buy the paper copy as well but the kindle version is great to have for those late night reading sessions and while waiting for the bus. Additionally, searching in electronic format is somewhat(!) easier than searching in paper format.

Due out in only a few days get yours while its hot (and on special).

  1809 Hits
1809 Hits

Boots on the ground, other Random photos

Boots on the ground 2020, other Random photos (yes bad ones!)

The first few are from the best painted army I saw on the day.

  1866 Hits
  1 Comment
1866 Hits
1 Comment

Stalingrad box set review - Warlord Games

Join Dan as he dives deep on the Stalingrad box set from Warlord Games, bringing you better pics and info on the product as well as analysing the pricing and recommendations for Warlord for the future.

Note that the video incorrectly shows dollars rather then pounds in the value summary screen. The correct screen is below:

  2908 Hits
2908 Hits

Podcast EP14: Game on Dan!

In this bumper episode of Valhallagames podcast, Dan chats about his recent Bolt Action tournament/event in Christchurch New Zealand with all the heroics, suspense and drama that little plastic 28mm men can muster. Rex listens on enviously while being inspired to plan for some more casual, local games to end the COVID-19 gaming drought. 

We also chat about all things hobby, what we've been up to, what we're buying, what we're lusting after and what's new an improved in the war games industry (well… in 28mm WWII at least!) 

Thanks for listening to us we hope you enjoy the show and as always we welcome you feedback here don't forget to check out our YouTube page here and as always if you would like to sponsor us the link for our Patreon page is

Search for us in your podcast app (valhallagames one word) or click the image below for the web player.

  2300 Hits
2300 Hits

Rex's winter Germans

Finlay finished the first half of my winter German's. I really love these models from Warlord Games they are dynamic and characterful. I will add some more photos soon but honesty I couldn't wait to share this. Not only is this the best army I have ever painted it could be the best mini photo I have ever taken. That coalesces perfectly with our recent podcast on miniature photography here. If anyone is interested I will put up the paint recipe soon, subscribe to the blog or comment on this post to be notified.

Click on the image below to open the *huge* full sized image and then click or pinch to zoom in on that image to see the detail.

Hope this inspires you to paint and hobby more.

  2027 Hits
2027 Hits

New: Soviet People's Militia squad box from Warlord Games

Soviet Peoples Militia squad box from Warlord Games is up for pre-order, this one appears in the Stalingrad book and hopefully also on my table soon...

Order here:

  2271 Hits
2271 Hits

Is Warlord looking at a re-sculpted British Army boxed set?

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UPDATE 19/10/2020: A warlord rep has confirmed this to be true.

I got an odd web survey invitation from Warlord Games. Almost as an answer to Dan's wish from the last podcast it seams as if Warlord might be looking to re-sculpt the British army minis. Those units do look a bit dated in my opinion and they could do with a refresh, here are some screen shots from the survey I'm not sure how many people received this it may have been warlords entire online store database in which case most people would have seen this anyway. My thoughts along with the images below.

In summary, Dear Warlord games, if you build it I will come. [buy]

Continued below...

Here is the survey email.
Continue reading
  2468 Hits
2468 Hits

"Scattered to the four winds" Bolt Action battle report

Dan & Rex face off again in the continuing campaign based on the real WWII battles around Primosole Bridge, in Sicily 1943. "Scattered to the four winds" is the second scenario in the nine scenario campaign. Check out the other games in our channel playlist. This battle report uses the Bolt Action miniature war games rules and 28mm miniatures from various manufactures including Offensive Miniatures, Warlord Games, Artizan Designs and Perry Miniatures. If you enjoyed the video please subscribe for more and check out the podcast by searching for valhallagames (one word) in your podcast app. Thanks for watching! Please share , like and subscribe.

  2368 Hits
2368 Hits

Work in progress Winter Germans

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Hi everyone, yes I have been a bit quiet lately, life getting in the way of wargames, hate it when that happens. Here are three test models from the Warlord Games plastic Winter Germans boxed set. 

Model "A" is completed clear coated and based in a deep, fresh snow base style. Although I'm pretty happy with it I feel that there isn't enough contrast in the Great Coat especially at 4 feet in the usual poor light.

The two "B" models have not been clear coated yet and with the above in mind I have overemphasized the highlighting so as to hopefully still be good after the clear-coat try's to kill off all my good efforts. Just an officers hat to go (I hate it when you have to spend an hour working out what colour a hat is) then these three are done and its time for the other 27ish.

  2574 Hits
2574 Hits

Clearcoat, clear as mud

Having completed an entire podcast on clear-coat (here), I thought I would take Dan's advice an purchase a can of Tamiya TS-80 flat clear-coat. I gave it a try and it went well, having taken that medication (or placebo) I felt all better and have been enjoying the TS-80 flat and "not-so-much-colour-knockback" effect. Recently though I painted up 3 of the exact same mini and I thought it would be worth while doing a more objective test. Below are three soviet squad leaders looking out across the broken cityscape for danger in the form of enemy in grey. Click on the image for the supersized version. The minis are clear-coated as follows:

  • One is sprayed with Testers Dullcoat
  • One is sprayed with Tamiya TS-80
  • One has not had any clear top coat at all

What do you think, can you notice the difference? Can you pick which is which? Do you have a preference?

A couple of things to say; Sure its not very scientific, its only in one light source. The light source is defused from a "softbox". Although I painted them all at the same time I seam to have used a different technique for the center one with the brushstrokes (sorry about that) but let me know your thoughts and I will let you know the answer.
And here is the result. Check the belt buckles for any difference.
  3117 Hits
3117 Hits

Good Progress made..SS Reinforcements.

Needing To build upon the Waffen SS army that ive been working on so they can provide suitable enemy forces to my allies, I have been forging ahead, using the outside chance that I might get to Sydney for MOAB this year ( should it be run in the current COVID 19 circumstances!-Kids of the future ask your parents ;) as a deadline/ impetus to get the job done while in lockdown.

  Latest additions are some SS tank riders from the always-fantastic Offensive miniatures, and a pair of Rubicon models. I added the sdkfz 250/9 upgrade kit (also from Rubicon) as id always admired the build, and then having played against one in my chain of command game at Lard Island vs Richard Clark it looked so fantastic on the table i had to get one myself! 

The deliveries arrived the same day...

Once armed it was full steam ahead to get the models put together. This was honestly the ONLY time ive ever had an issue using my plastic glue on the Rubicon models. I DID get the plastic magic glue as a back up purely due to the fact i couldnt get any trusty citadel glue. But my issue was the application of said plastic magic..Honestly; the bushes provided coupled with the fact the level of the glue is so low they barely make contact, then the glue dries barren so fast i just gave up! and later i did regret it; various parts didnt glue as well as previously.

I really cant complain as they quite clearly state this may be the case. Its just that IVE never had this issue before with citadel glue. never mind, got there in the end.

BTW- the pick in the pioneer tools on the opposite side to the photo shown below?..dont bother. it sits awkward on the stowage box on that side &  the hole guides they tell you to drill out are too big. MEH...leave it off and consider it stowed elsewhere from sight.

Incidentally; if you are wondering or had missed it ; YES! the 250/251 autocannon upgrade kits let you make  2 turrets each with cannon; 1x 250 alte , PLUS either a 250 Neu OR 251/23. good value. so ive kept the remainder so i can make a 250 NEU, as i believe the 251/23 wasnt actually produced except prototype. 

The schwimmwagon was lovely to put together also. Another fine model from Rubicon. One  suggestion i would have is leave the double-pioneer tools (on the side facing us in this pic) off until you apply paint and then the load /weight decal and then superglue the tools on. I didnt do this- my vehicle like many doesnt have the painted details intact. no issues. but if you want to apply the decal then try my suggestion perhaps.

I grabbed another vehicle i needed to spray up and got out my long-suffering airbrush and whipped up some;

Dunkelgelb ( VMA Dark yellow), zenithal  highlights adding a tiny bit of ivory to the 'gelb.

Green camo; Tamiya NATO green

Brown Camo; VMC Flat Brown / Chocolate brown in a 66/33- ish!  ratio .

i used some blisterpack sponge and chipped with;  

firstly; the dunkelgelb mixed with a little VMC Ivory...just enough to stand out slightly against both the dunkelgelb base and the areas of the zenithal highlight also.

then when dry; VMC Black grey was  sponged on.

 A Burnt umber oil wash was used in a 'standard' way that scale modellers use to define detail and plates of armour etc. 

When everything was done, then all the details painted in to satisfaction, i used Tamiya TS80 flat clear spray ( as i always do!) to seal and knock back the sheen from the  thinner from the wash and the paints themselves. I love this varnish. it doesnt kill the vibrancy of the colours but makes the model lovely and Matt- try it! 

( The Borgward Wanze only got the green cam for a last levy cam pattern)

Its a shame that this schimmwagon kit didnt come with any plastic sheet to create a windscreen. I dont know if Rubicon provide that with other light vehicles. I did have some spare from warlord opel blitz kits but of course- id just used it elsewhere! never mind; at the moment mines kicked out following damage, and ill add one later if i wish.

Heres some staged pics;

The subtle mud effect on the vehicles like all the ones i have done on this army are the "Vallejo Environment" product 73.826 "Mud and Grass", and a dusting from tamiya weathering makeup kit of dark sand and sand just to pick out tyre treads etc. 

Ive left the pair of optional pintle MGs of the swimmwagon at the moment, i can add them if i choose they just slip in and out of the pintle.

The tank riders work is underway and i aim to finish them off in the next few days.

  2683 Hits
2683 Hits

Soviet cavalry conversion - first half finished

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Soviet cavalry conversion - first half finished, some quick "its nearly midnight" photos, I'm pretty happy with them. Just need to purchase three more the same and then to find some sabres from somewhere to stick on.

Click on the magnifiing glass for a larger image.

The paint guide is here (work in progress horse colours to be added shortly)

  3645 Hits
3645 Hits

Op. Upgrade & Beccas command; Finished!

Dan reveals his finished Waffen SS force and his Beccas command models. We're really pleased to see Pauls progress after the op; good on ya mate! We are trying to get more content published to keep you motivated during these times, if you are enjoying it then please share it with others and subscribe for more! Stay safe, Rex & Dan. 

  2528 Hits
2528 Hits

Podcast EP11: Planes, trains and antivirus (and some wargaming)

Come on a gaming (and driving) adventure with Dan and Rex as we talk about and prepare for Dan's week long gaming visit to Australia.

Listen in on a behind the scenes casual chat as we make the trip from the airport to home, our plans and aspirations for the perfect week of gaming, podcasting and YouTube…ing.
Learn why if you're not playing campaigns you're doing it wrong and our challenge for you. Hear all our hobby news and discussions about Stalingrad.

Full disclosure: No viruses were caught or transmitted as a result of this podcast.

Subscribe by searching for valhallagames in your podcast app or play via the web player by clicking on the image below.

  3025 Hits
3025 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at

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