Stalingrad box set review - Warlord Games

Join Dan as he dives deep on the Stalingrad box set from Warlord Games, bringing you better pics and info on the product as well as analysing the pricing and recommendations for Warlord for the future.

Note that the video incorrectly shows dollars rather then pounds in the value summary screen. The correct screen is below:

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New: Soviet People's Militia squad box from Warlord Games

Soviet Peoples Militia squad box from Warlord Games is up for pre-order, this one appears in the Stalingrad book and hopefully also on my table soon...

Order here:

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Work in progress Winter Germans

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Hi everyone, yes I have been a bit quiet lately, life getting in the way of wargames, hate it when that happens. Here are three test models from the Warlord Games plastic Winter Germans boxed set. 

Model "A" is completed clear coated and based in a deep, fresh snow base style. Although I'm pretty happy with it I feel that there isn't enough contrast in the Great Coat especially at 4 feet in the usual poor light.

The two "B" models have not been clear coated yet and with the above in mind I have overemphasized the highlighting so as to hopefully still be good after the clear-coat try's to kill off all my good efforts. Just an officers hat to go (I hate it when you have to spend an hour working out what colour a hat is) then these three are done and its time for the other 27ish.

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2386 Hits

Clearcoat, clear as mud

Having completed an entire podcast on clear-coat (here), I thought I would take Dan's advice an purchase a can of Tamiya TS-80 flat clear-coat. I gave it a try and it went well, having taken that medication (or placebo) I felt all better and have been enjoying the TS-80 flat and "not-so-much-colour-knockback" effect. Recently though I painted up 3 of the exact same mini and I thought it would be worth while doing a more objective test. Below are three soviet squad leaders looking out across the broken cityscape for danger in the form of enemy in grey. Click on the image for the supersized version. The minis are clear-coated as follows:

  • One is sprayed with Testers Dullcoat
  • One is sprayed with Tamiya TS-80
  • One has not had any clear top coat at all

What do you think, can you notice the difference? Can you pick which is which? Do you have a preference?

A couple of things to say; Sure its not very scientific, its only in one light source. The light source is defused from a "softbox". Although I painted them all at the same time I seam to have used a different technique for the center one with the brushstrokes (sorry about that) but let me know your thoughts and I will let you know the answer.
And here is the result. Check the belt buckles for any difference.
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Soviet cavalry conversion - first half finished

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Soviet cavalry conversion - first half finished, some quick "its nearly midnight" photos, I'm pretty happy with them. Just need to purchase three more the same and then to find some sabres from somewhere to stick on.

Click on the magnifiing glass for a larger image.

The paint guide is here (work in progress horse colours to be added shortly)

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3446 Hits

Friday Photo: Rex's MOAB 2019 army

Historical background:*
Despite the losses it suffered in the defensive phase of the battle of Kursk, the Red Army managed to go over to a very successful offensive within two weeks, pushing the Germans back to the Dnieper and towards western Ukraine, overall Kursk campaign was a disaster for the Germans.

The Kursk campaign was a decisive Soviet success. For the first time, a major German offensive had been stopped prior to achieving a breakthrough.

In the morning of 3 Nov 1943, German 4th Panzer Army stationed in Kiev, Ukraine was surprised by a massive artillery and aerial bombardment, followed by advancing Soviet troops. After two days of action, Soviet troops entered a city not yet recovered from the battle in the previous year, and now further damaged by both the intense Soviet invasion and the scorched-earth German retreat. Kiev suffered 7,000 buildings, which included about 1,000 factories, plundered or destroyed at the hands of the Germans. 200,000 civilians were killed during the course of the war. 100,000 civilians were sent to concentration camps during the occupation. What resulted was a city with only 80,000 survivors, a mere 20% of its pre-war size.

Erich von Manstein of German 4th Panzer Army was able to convince Adolf Hitler to release German 48th Panzer Corps to conduct a counter attack, though his request for the inclusion of German 40th Panzer Corps was rejected. German troops drove forward, but they were halted by Soviet 7th Guards Tank Corps near Fastov. Similar scenarios played out all around Kiev with German troops fighting fiercely but unable to halt the Soviet juggernaut. The Germans caught their break with the arrival of German 48th Panzer Corps containing the elite 1st SS Panzer Division, retaking Brusilov and Zhitomir, two towns that the Soviets had recently captured. Large scale tank engagements ensued with heavy casualties on both sides over the course of the following month.

Although the Soviets emerged victorious, they failed to achieve the important objective of enveloping German Army Group South. Nevertheless, they were able to deal heavy damage to German 4th Panzer Army, and the morale boost for gaining Ukraine was substantial.

*According to some guys on the internet...

You didn't really think I was going to give away the army composition did you? ;-)
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2379 Hits

Bolt action Fortress Budapest Day photos

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Rex's Fortress Budapest Day photos, yes I may have overdone it a bit with the photos perhaps quantity makes up for the quality, tricky in a dark room. A couple I "borrowed" from the bolt action Aust/NZ web page also where mine weren't great quality. 

Set 1 is my game 1, set 2 is my game 2 and the final set is general terrain and other peoples games.

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format]

Set 1:  (my game 1)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 2: (My game 2)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 3: (General photos and terrain)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

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New Army for Rex... Winter Soviets

I just purchased the beginnings of a new army. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and "some assembly plus painting is required" :-)

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3720 Hits

Bolt Action: Campaign: Stalingrad (Due Feb 2020)

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The blurb:

"Campaign rules and scenarios for the Battle of Stalingrad, bringing the most infamous battle of the Eastern Front to the award-winning Bolt Action series.

One of the most infamous and decisive battles of the Second World War, Stalingrad was a turning point of the Eastern Front, showing that the German juggernaut was not invincible. This new Campaign Book for Bolt Action allows players to refight the fierce Battle of Stalingrad, including the actions within the city itself and those of the surrounding area, the encirclement and attempted relief and breakout. New, linked scenarios, rules, troop types, and Theater Selectors provide plenty of options for both novice and veteran players alike."

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3042 Hits

Fortress Budapest - New Bolt Action Campaign book

Fortress Budapest - New Bolt Action Campaign book, Pre-order now on various sites, due out 21 Mar 2019 (or so they say)

No further details that I have found.

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Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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