'The Battle for Primosole Bridge' campaign book update

Welcome to the website of Valhalla Games! If you have been directed here from the esteemed pages of the Wargames Soldiers and Strategy magazine (be they digital OR print!), then we thank you for being interested enough to visit, and hope you enjoyed the edited down version of our 'Assault on Johnny I' scenario.

If you would like to learn more about our WW2 campaign book 'The Battle for Primosole Bridge' you can find a video on our YouTube page explaining exactly what is in the book here: https://youtu.be/7sKSxdmukWk

The kick-starter has been funded and finished however, if you want to order a copy, at the time of writing this we are still taking pre-orders for the printed A4 softcover 80+ page campaign book, find the info about ordering here: https://www.valhallagames.net/index.php/the-battle-for-primosole-bridge-pre-order or simply contact us here https://www.valhallagames.net/index.php/contact for a price including shipping to your destination.

Happy New Year to you all. We hope you've had a happy and safe holiday period. The question arises though; What exactly have WE been up to early in the New Year?

Firstly (for those of you that didn't know!) the 'Assault on Johnny I ' scenario that will appear in our book was reverse engineered and re-edited for publishing in Wargames Soldiers and Strategy (WSS) magazine, issue 118.

This version of the scenario varies from that found in the campaign book in order to make it a stand-alone scenario for Bolt Action, but if you'd like a taster of what is to come, go purchase the issue and enjoy it - tell them we sent you ;)


What else have we been up to?; check out the Wargames Atlantic WW2 Italian plastic figures that Dan has painted for the book here: [continued below]

Dan has continued British vehicles and infantry for 151 Bde. In the Primosole Bridge engagement, and has finally just finished them… this means another bunch of minis to be sent over to Rex for photography for the book!

Rex continues to put a phenomenal amount of detail into the 'secret' table's construction, I can tell you it looks amazing and it isn't even finished yet!! He is detailing it as he goes so we can bring you all the tips for you to be able to build it yourselves when we reveal it to you.

As well as that, as lockdowns due to COVID come and go, we are continuing play testing on various scenarios, making sure that they are well tested and as user-friendly as possible.

We hope your holiday period has been hobby-friendly and you've got some work progressing yourselves… maybe some Sicilian campaign armies?!!

'The realistic game board' board work in progress teaser - Just for fun...
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Warlord releases details of the new Italy book

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Surprise! WW2 Italian Infantry - Wargames Atlantic

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SURPRISE! [Wargames Atlantic] have been busy bees in the background working on a few secret projects starting with this one! WW2 Italian Infantry is now Available for Pre-Order!
This highly detailed, highly versatile 32-figure set includes a crazy number of options to customize your Italian forces whether they are in Italy, France, North Africa, the Balkans, or even Russia.

Pre-order your WW2 Italians Now!


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Bolt Action: Campaign: Italy: Soft Underbelly pre-order

If your like me and you end up purchasing the physical and e-book copy of all the Bolt action Books then you will be keen to know that the Bolt Action: Campaign: Italy: Soft Underbelly pre-order is now live on the Kindle Store, this also means we have a release date* of Oct 28 2021 . 

Also its at the bargain price of $14.21! (US$?)

Let the painting begin (well continue...)


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New Warlord Games Commandos

New Warlord Games Commandos... I'm buying these for sure!


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'O' Group battalion level WWII rules now available

'O' Group battalion level WWII rules written by Dave Brown and published/distributed by Too Fat Lardies are now available here, the web site blurb goes like this:

'O' Group is a set of WWII battalion level rules designed for a player to command a battalion sized force plus supports, or a multiplayer game where each player can command a battalion as part of a larger battlegroup. The rules introduce some exciting command mechanisms that encourages the players to think about allocation of reserves as well as commanding their force in action. The rules include army lists covering the UK, USA, Germany and Soviet Union for the later war period but the rules can be used with historical unit structures to game the entire conflict.

I have purchased a copy and might be dusting off all the 15mm WWII stuff that's collecting dust in my garage.

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Free Viking era wargame rules

The Guys at Little Wars TV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD6gPsr1xdvT9F4dntRAJ5g) have put together a set of Free Viking era wargame rules for the great price of... Free. Check them out at the link below, rules plus supporting stuff and more on the way. Looks like a good way to introduce someone new into the hobby.


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Wet Palette kickstarter funded but still 14 days to come onboard

OTP terrain, West Australian 3D terrain and miniature printers, are running a 3D printed "Wet Palette Paint Station" Kickstarter its funded pretty quickly and there is still 14 days as of the writing of this post.

I haven't managed to get a review unit but I have backed it so I will do a quick video review when I receive mine hopefully in July 2021. There are some reviews on YouTube if you want to see moving pictures, otherwise I have included some screenshots below with captions that should give you an idea of what its like.

The Kickstarter ends December 31 2020 3:00 AM AEDT (Australian eastern time)

Link here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/otpwetpalette/otp-wet-palette-paint-station

The top lid

Continue after the break...

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Stalingrad box set review - Warlord Games

Join Dan as he dives deep on the Stalingrad box set from Warlord Games, bringing you better pics and info on the product as well as analysing the pricing and recommendations for Warlord for the future.

Note that the video incorrectly shows dollars rather then pounds in the value summary screen. The correct screen is below:

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New: Soviet People's Militia squad box from Warlord Games

Soviet Peoples Militia squad box from Warlord Games is up for pre-order, this one appears in the Stalingrad book and hopefully also on my table soon...

Order here: https://store.warlordgames.com/collections/pre-orders/products/soviet-peoples-militia-squad

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Infamy, Infamy!

Infamy, Infamy forthcoming ancient wargaming ruleset.

I have to say I'm intrigued, not to sure about another whole wargaming period but it sounds interesting and who doesn't like a Roman or two? Look how pretty they are!. Two Fat Lardies I'm going to need more than a shiny new cover to satisfy cravings for a new rules-set, videos, diagrams and odd-cast banter should do it?

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Review; “Masters in Miniature” By Alan & Michael Perry

In this video Dan takes us on a tour of the book "Masters in Miniature" by Alan & Michael Perry. We hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel while you are there.

Share this video round and help promote the Perry's, a great miniatures company.

NOTE: there are two order codes AND PRICES(!) for this book... this link above takes you to the website and the book for the "rest of the world" postage. For orders within the U.K choose the "other" option from the Perry Miniatures website.

(NOT a paid promotion)

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Review; WWII Kreigsfischkutter 28mm/1:56 by Titan Terrain NZ (for Bolt Action?)

WWII Kreigsfischkutter 28mm/1:56 by Titan Terrain NZ (for Bolt Action?)

Join Dan as he reviews and shows off one of his current projects, and we compare it for scale vs. some Kriegsmarine minis. Find Titan Terrain NZ here; https://www.titanterrain.nz/category/... Highly Recommended product and company to deal with! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask below.

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The "next" D-Day campaign book is listed for pre-order

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The "next" D-Day campaign book is listed for pre-order on at least one online book store, release date 23 Jun 2020. 

Its apparently titled as "Campaign: D-Day: US Sector". With the first book already out and covering the first 24 hours only, we knew that there would be *an* additional book coming. However based on the title it looks like there will be multiple campaign books coming breaking things down it to LOT'S of detail and hopefully meaning that you wont miss out on the history of your favorite nation. That's my guess based on an early pre-release listing which can be notoriously unreliable. Adding to a huge list of supplements already available, I will have enough gaming for a lifetime of WWII and I'm loving it.

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Warlord releases [mini] skirmish rules for Bolt Action

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As part of the 2019 d-day campaign that warlord is running they have released a 3 page mini supplement of rules for individual soldiers.

"For the purpose of this skirmish version, each man from a squad acts as a 'unit' and moves individually. These units do not have to stay in formation. When you prepare to play, your force gets one order die for each model it comprises of."

It also includes a new "force morale" mechanic similar to Chain Of Command.

"When your force has lost half or more of the models/ dice it started the game with, it has reached its breaking point. Whenever your force suffers a casualty from then on (including the casualty that caused your force to reach the breaking point), you must take a Break test."

Sounds like a bit of fun and I'm sure its been played this way plenty of times before in garages around the world. I will be interested to see if it plays out as a shorter game or not. Could be a gateway drug into the new "Raiders" game that's on the way.

Direct link: https://d-day.boltaction.com/pdf-scenarios/firefight-rules.pdf

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Warlord has now opened the D-Day Campaign page

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Warlord has now opened the D-Day Campaign page:

"Welcome to our 3-month long online campaign to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Get involved by playing games of Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies, Cruel Seas or Bolt Action: Tank War."

New Scenarios are available now for the first phase Bolt action and Blood Red Sky's. New Intelligence reports indicate that the Tank Wars "game" will also be a part of the campaign as well.

If your looking to take part in this, go and have a look, signup and get together with some mates for a game. 

"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.
In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. Your miniature men will do us proud."


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Bolt action "Campaign: D-Day: Overlord" locations

Bolt action "Campaign: D-Day: Overlord" locations if you have the historical itch. Click on the image for the larger size.

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What’s in Campaign: D-Day: Overlord?

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For those not subscribed to the warlord bolt action newsletter, they have released the contents full details here but the scenarios are as listed below:

Campaign: D-Day: Overlord is crammed with 19 NEW scenarios, covering everything from the diversionary operations undertaken by the OSS and SOE to the amphibious assaults on the five Normandy beaches!

  • Scenario 1: Operation Titanic
  • Scenario 2: Pegasus Bridge: The Coupe de Main
  • Scenario 3: Pegasus Bridge: Taking the West Bank
  • Scenario 4: Assault on Merville Battery
  • Scenario 5: Skirmish in the Dark
  • Scenario 6: Brecourt Manor
  • Scenario 7: Objective XYZ
  • Scenario 8: Counter-Attack at Sainte-Mere-Eglise
  • Scenario 9: Neuville-Au-Plain
  • Scenario 10: Utah Beach
  • Scenario 11: Fox Green Beach
  • Scenario 12: Get Off the Beach!
  • Scenario 13: Pointe-Du-Hoc
  • Scenario 14: Frontal Assault on WN 29
  • Scenario 15: Queen Red Beach
  • Scenario 16: Ouistreham
  • Scenario 17: Pegasus Bridge: Hold Until Relieved
  • Scenario 18: Lebisey Wood
  • Scenario 19: La Fiere Bridge

For the full detail click on the image below.

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Bolt action "The Western Desert" Contents

Bolt action "The Western Desert" Contents:

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The Longest Day: new bolt action "battle set"

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Warlord is teasing "The Longest Day" a new D-Day themed Bolt Action "battle set" which looks like it may be US only(?) including buildings and miniatures.

Update , now listed here:  https://www.warlordgames.com/the-longest-day/

"The longest day; Normandy, 6 June 1944. The Allies undertake the largest and most ambitious amphibious landings in history to return the fight to western Europe.
Re-create the turning point of the war, that allowed the Allies to gain a foothold in Europe and which was to set the stage for the Axis downfall."

This set contains:

  • 2x LCVP landing craft
  • 1x AT/Flak bunker
  • 1x Coastal Defence bunker
  • 2x German Pak 40 ATG (for inside the bunkers)
  • Craters/shell holes
  • 1x Duplex Drive Sherman with lowered screens
  • 32x plastic US Infantry
  • 16x plastic German Grenadiers
  • 2x MG 42 MMG teams
  • 4x US Army casualties
  • 2x US Engineers carrying Bangalore torpedoes
  • 2x MMG sandbag emplacements
  • Set of battlefield accessories
  • 2m of barbed wire
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Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at https://valhallagames.net/youtube

...and don't forget if you would like to support us https://valhallagames.net/patron