Game stat. cards

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Once upon a time I made come game stat cards for kings of war... had forgotten about these until someone mentioned them. They worked well and helped for me as a new player at the time. I laminated them in ID card sleeves, could do the same for any game system. The trick was to use a good graphics design program and lots of "layers" and guides

  1957 Hits
1957 Hits

Kings of war easyarmy 3rd edition (..or nearly?)

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 "Master Crafted" YouTube channel is reporting that easyarmy for Kings of war is now ready for 3rd edition.

He is saying that its moved to "the mantic website" (inferring that its official?) its actually just another a subdomain of and not Mantic. 

It's now a freemium model as well.

If you are a fan of easyarmy have a look at this video. I note that its also saying "This is currently a closed Beta testing site and is not yet available to the public. " so make your own investigations.

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2650 Hits

The best fantasy miniatures...

The best fantasy miniatures from a company that Rex had never heard of!! Firstly, I have to buy one of these Yeti's it would make a great "cave dweller" for my Kings of War Northern alliance army. But secondly I cant believe I have never heard of these guys! Click on the images below or go to:

While your there have a look at all the other miniatures, I think you will agree there is some outstanding stuff there. (NOT a paid promotion)

  3139 Hits
3139 Hits

The good the bad and the ugly of mass army painting

The good the bad and the ugly of mass army painting:

OK I admit it I love skirmish games for a number of reasons but tonight's painting efforts have revealed just one more reason.

  • The good; my painting has improved each new army puts the last to shame so that's a good thing. Still plenty of room to improve but heading in the right direction.
  • The bad (and good); bad news is that these new plastic Northern Alliance Clansman from mantic games are too good! The amount of detail is amazing, sure that's a good thing but its going to take a huge amount of time to paint them.
  • The ugly; how will I ever get a full Kings of War army painted with this level of detail? Did I mention I love skirmish games​?

See below for a couple of snaps of the first completed test model, after that I'm looking for something in a shade of camo green!

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2376 Hits

Kings of War V3; Shadows in the North. 2-Player Starter Set, Unboxing and a quick look

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Rex shares his first impressions of the Kings of War V3; Shadows in the North, 2-Player Starter Set. If you don't play KOW already it a great low cost entry into a fantasy game system. Now in version 3, a well-tested and mature game system.

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2378 Hits

Kings of war V3 rulebook index

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Kings of war V3 printable rulebook index, created for your playing enjoyment by click on the image below to go to the download page. Consider this version 0.5, a work in progress, more to follow. Contact us here for corrections or suggestions.

Edit V0.6 now available has special rules and artifacts.

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3836 Hits

Everything that is old is new again: Kings of War - Vanguard vs D&D

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I'm about to buy the new Kings of War - Vanguard rule set. It's on special half price about $20 for the next few days however before I bought it for use by my sons gaming group I thought I would have a quick look through and just make sure that it's a sort of game that I would like to play. As I began to read through the individual units with their classes, statistics and abilities, moves, attacks and "armour class" it began to remind me of the 1980s in the 1980s there was this little product called Dungeons and Dragons

I was given my first copy of Dungeons and Dragons by my mother who has I have mentioned in a previous podcast thought that it might suit me because Dungeons and Dragons was apparently appropriate for "boys that walk to the beat of a different Drum". Yes I'm still not sure what that really means however from the moment that I open the red box and looked at the bazaar dice and began to try to work out how to actually play this game I was hooked.

So that was 5 years or so of my life that went by in a heartbeat. Along with ending school, getting my first job, going on many real adventures and expeditions, I also spend many, many nights staying up late with friends going on grand imaginary adventures gaming magical items and learning to work together and sometimes even how to work with the monsters rather than "just spooning them over" as I was reminder of the other day.

As I thought back to Dungeons and Dragons and the great times we had and the near impossible puzzles that we solved I began to compare this to the new version of Kings of War Vanguard I begin to wonder why it was that I was buying another game to really do just a cut down version of the existing game that I have, that I have purchased (and repurchased(and repurchased)) but I don't actually have any time to play. I began to ponder on ways The Dungeons & Dragons could be cut down somewhat from the all-encompassing monumental game that it can be to something more manageable that would be akin to the Kings of War type product and it occurred to me that this would be very easy just make it RPG light or RPG 'none at all'. (continued...)

Now I'm a computer guy and in my job I use lots of different software packages I often see cheap products that will do photo editing or video editing or do any manner of other things that I need to do on a daily basis however where possible and where budgets allow I always buy the full on professional product even though I only will be using a small part of that product to achieve the results that I need to achieve. This has held me in good Stead for many years as it has allowed me an entry into a new product or technology that I wouldn't otherwise have had experience with more often than not I will get the opportunity later to reuse and build on. Buying a full commercial product gives me something that has "legs" meaning that it will certainly suffice for my basic needs but as my needs grow and my expertise grows I don't find that I run out of whatever it is that makes that product good and have to go and repurchase and relearn another product from scratch. When I apply this though mentally to gaming I think I would rather play D&D at a reduced level than another product and be found left wanting if I decide to push on into greater depth of gaming.

This brings me to another consideration and that is the sticky question of motivation. What motivates someone to do something commercially vs. what's "best".

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3147 Hits

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Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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