Soviet Gaz jeeps, 3d Printed and painted by me (work in process)

Soviet Gaz jeeps, 3d Printed and painted by me (work in process) love the appropriate passengers, also being able to print them out at the exact 1/56 size is soothes me as well.

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391 Hits

First successful attempt at contrast paint

First successful attempt at contrast paint. In fantasy for Warhammer: the old world Thanks Ian for the modified slapchop method

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364 Hits

New camera makes Dan's painting look even better!

What better subject for testing out my new camera but snapping some pix of Dan's minis which are visiting me for a top secret mission.

Click to see full sized image and then click or pinch to zoom in.

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1698 Hits

Dans Workbench Update Nov '20

 Join Dan as he shares his workbench update going into December, and decide for yourself if the quantity and quality of work puts him on either the "naughty" or "nice" list this Christmas!

If you enjoy the content on our channel and think it deserves a mention in the Little Wars TV "Caesar Awards" 2021, then please nominate our channel before Dec 31 2020 here;

Thanks for watching!

  1735 Hits
1735 Hits

Rex's winter Germans

Finlay finished the first half of my winter German's. I really love these models from Warlord Games they are dynamic and characterful. I will add some more photos soon but honesty I couldn't wait to share this. Not only is this the best army I have ever painted it could be the best mini photo I have ever taken. That coalesces perfectly with our recent podcast on miniature photography here. If anyone is interested I will put up the paint recipe soon, subscribe to the blog or comment on this post to be notified.

Click on the image below to open the *huge* full sized image and then click or pinch to zoom in on that image to see the detail.

Hope this inspires you to paint and hobby more.

  2028 Hits
2028 Hits

Soviet winter army nearly finished....

Soviet winter army nearly finished.... here are all the extra spotters for my inexperience mortars and other indirect fire units (??). 

Most of these came into being with only 3 days to go until MOAB 2019. Finally getting round to finishing them off, just a few canteen lids and a clear coat once the weather improves. Then I have to go through the rest of the army and see what didn't manage to get a second highlight and finally 4 vehicles, OK perhaps not nearly finished but perhaps the beginning of the end.

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2409 Hits

German Heer Army Showcase

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Join Dan as he talks you through his work on creating a fairly era-and-front flexible, generic Heer army force for the tabletop For future games of Chain Of Command and Bolt action. We hope you enjoy this. Stay safe everyone and pick up the phone and call a mate or a family member who might be alone at the moment and say hi. 

Regards, Rex and Dan.

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2384 Hits

The good the bad and the ugly of mass army painting

The good the bad and the ugly of mass army painting:

OK I admit it I love skirmish games for a number of reasons but tonight's painting efforts have revealed just one more reason.

  • The good; my painting has improved each new army puts the last to shame so that's a good thing. Still plenty of room to improve but heading in the right direction.
  • The bad (and good); bad news is that these new plastic Northern Alliance Clansman from mantic games are too good! The amount of detail is amazing, sure that's a good thing but its going to take a huge amount of time to paint them.
  • The ugly; how will I ever get a full Kings of War army painted with this level of detail? Did I mention I love skirmish games​?

See below for a couple of snaps of the first completed test model, after that I'm looking for something in a shade of camo green!

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2589 Hits

Rex's May "reasonable hobby goal" challenge... done

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Rex's May "reasonable hobby goal" challenge... done. See the images below and click on the image for the full sized version.

Special edition Fallschirmjäger with drop canister. A Christmas gift to me from Dan, thanks Dan.

This is my best work so far I think and I'm very happy with how they turned out. My eyes must be a bit blurry from the challenge, I have just spotted some chips on the rim of the base. Don't worry I will fix that before I meet you on the table top!

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2676 Hits

Friday Photo: To the last Bullet.

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Friday Photo: To the last Bullet.

A very nice photo by Dan,  enough to inspire a game, or perhaps a new army or even a new home made  campaign. 

Who knows what will happen over the weekend... Hopefully not just mowing lawns and chores. :-)

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2580 Hits

Big Tiger Build; FINISHED!!

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 Finally had time to finish off a few details on a couple of the other Tiger 1's this weekend..and here they are in all their glory!! 

  For those of you playing along at home ( !) , I have just added the final reveal vid to our Youtube channel! The vid includes the promised painting recipes etc. as well, so pop over there and watch it if youre interested in these cats.

   Hope youve enjoyed following along, and you enjoy the final products. 

   Im very happy, as I have vehicles here for Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, eastern front ( Including Kursk!) and western front including Normandy...and the Battle for Berlin right until the final days.

   I think my year to dates painted model list looks very healthy now, and im intending to keep score until December 15th to make it a full years list.


  • 2 x King Tigers
  • 3 x Tiger 1's
  • 1 x German Opel Blitz canvas canopy/sideboards (interchangeable with existing passenger open back one)
  • 24 Italian Coastal Defense Division infantry ( Based by Rex- thank you!)
  • 2 x Italian heavy weapons teams
  • 1 x Italian Artillery piece incl. 3 crew and spotter
  • 15 x German FJ in smocks
  • 9 x German FJ Tropical fatigues


  • 1x Italian Church
  • 1x Stone Bridge
  • 1.5 m2 of teddy bear fur hay and grass fields
  • Painted ONLY; 1x medium (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • Painted ONLY; 1x small (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • 1 x table worth of textured flexible rural roads
  • 1 x street barricade ( ponys, mattress, crate & sandbags)
  • 2 x concrete pillboxes
  • 1 x box Girder 'Primosole' Bridge ( Yes- I made and painted another one! Lol)
  • 30 x 'infantry dug in' entrenchments terrain pieces

  4134 Hits
4134 Hits

Friday Photo; Konigstiger pair on the prowl...

3 days before my end of march "reasonable hobby challenge' Deadline ...may i present 139.6 Tonnes of cricket-crushing goodness (!!)

I really enjoyed these. I will be posting a "Big Tiger Build' update on youtube at  the end of next week to bring you all up to date with the other vehicles in the build. In the meantime; hope you like 'em!!

  2928 Hits
2928 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at

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