Update #14 Battle for Primosole Bridge campaign book has been shipped

We are pleased to report that The Battle for Primosole Bridge campaign book has been shipped to all backers and pre-order customers (excluding 5 people who haven't got their address to me yet).

Thanks to our logistics partners War and Peace Games Australia the process was smooth and quick. A HUGE thanks to Ian and Sean for their help with that. 

If your buying wargames products, in Australasia please check them out at https://www.warandpeacegames.com.au/.

You should receive your shipping email with tracking information direct from Australia Post in the next couple of days.

Dan and I are extremely happy with the final result, and we think you will be too. We have shot a video of a flick through of the book but what would be the fun in that, we are going to keep you in suspense a few days longer. Once we see reports of sightings of the book 'in the wild' we will release some video to whet your appetite for those shipping to destinations further afield.

New book - Wargaming Campaigns (yay!)
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Comments 2

Guest - Luke Shirley on Friday, 01 July 2022 12:27

Thanks Rex and Dan! My book and Lads (thanks Wargames Atlantic) just arrived and I’ve spent the past half hour drooling over it. And all I can say is WOW! The information and detail that has gone into this book is amazing.

Thanks Rex and Dan! My book and Lads (thanks Wargames Atlantic) just arrived and I’ve spent the past half hour drooling over it. And all I can say is WOW! The information and detail that has gone into this book is amazing.
Rex on Friday, 01 July 2022 12:35

Good one Luke, I don't know how the heck you got it so quick but im pleased. Feel free to post a few images on Facebook as far as i'm aware you will be the first person on the planet to do so!

Good one Luke, I don't know how the heck you got it so quick but im pleased. Feel free to post a few images on Facebook as far as i'm aware you will be the first person on the planet to do so!
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Monday, 31 March 2025

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Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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