Warlord releases details of the new Italy book

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1534 Hits

Surprise! WW2 Italian Infantry - Wargames Atlantic

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SURPRISE! [Wargames Atlantic] have been busy bees in the background working on a few secret projects starting with this one! WW2 Italian Infantry is now Available for Pre-Order!
This highly detailed, highly versatile 32-figure set includes a crazy number of options to customize your Italian forces whether they are in Italy, France, North Africa, the Balkans, or even Russia.

Pre-order your WW2 Italians Now!


  1876 Hits
1876 Hits

New camera makes Dan's painting look even better!

What better subject for testing out my new camera but snapping some pix of Dan's minis which are visiting me for a top secret mission.

Click to see full sized image and then click or pinch to zoom in.

  1696 Hits
1696 Hits

Dan's hobby workbench update August '21

Dan's been busy buying, building, painting and more buying. Proving that you can never be bored or run out of things to do when you have miniature wargaming as your hobby! This is Dan's latest hobby update for August '21. Hope this inspires you.

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1669 Hits

Bolt Action: Campaign: Italy: Soft Underbelly pre-order

If your like me and you end up purchasing the physical and e-book copy of all the Bolt action Books then you will be keen to know that the Bolt Action: Campaign: Italy: Soft Underbelly pre-order is now live on the Kindle Store, this also means we have a release date* of Oct 28 2021 . 

Also its at the bargain price of $14.21! (US$?)

Let the painting begin (well continue...)


  1863 Hits
1863 Hits

Hairspray chipping - first attempt

Hairspray chipping - first attempt work in progress. Pretty happy so far, progress update to follow plus a bit of a how-to guide if someone would like it. Let me know if you do want something?

  1841 Hits
1841 Hits

Friday photo - Drying paint on a Sherman

Friday photo - Drying paint on a Sherman: Most of us have, at one time, used a hairdrier to dry paint when we were in a hurry but this photo apparently shows heat lamps drying the paint on the real thing. Apparently it took 4 minutes*! (*according to some guy on the internet)

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1403 Hits
1 Comment

EP19: The Dungeons & Dragons episode

Welcome to the first valhallagames "wandering monsters" episode. Wikipedia defines Wandering monsters as follows (don't worry I put them right on a couple of points by way of a re-edit):

Wandering monsters - sometimes called Random encounters - were a feature of Dungeons & Dragons from its beginnings in the 1970s, and persist in that game and its offshoots to this day. Random encounters are usually determined by the gamemaster by rolling dice against a random encounter table. These rules can often result in VERY random seemingly in appropriate and quite humorous encounters. A wandering monster is perhaps something that you don't want, definitely something that you didn't expect, but ALWAYS interesting. Source: Wikipedia... with edits :-)

We hope you enjoy this Dungeons & Dragons digression from our normal miniature wargaming adventures, (typically in WWII). We will be back to our scheduled program as soon as we have spooned over these Kobolds.

(Kobold; Small humanoid (kobold), Lawful Evil. Armor Class 12, Hit Points 5 (2d6-2), Speed 30 ft.)

Get this episode in your podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click on the link below for the web player

Dan & Rex
  1921 Hits
1921 Hits

Podcast EP21: Wargame scenario design

Dan's back! Catch up on his news plus, all the wargame painting, modelling reading & and collecting chat you can handle plus... added tales of adventures in 3d printing.

In our main segment we discuss scenario design ideas, concepts and tips on where to find inspiration for all new and exciting challenges for your little men (and women).

Podcast shownotes will be at https://www.valhallagames.net/ep21

Listen in your podcast app or click on the link below to get use the web player

  1981 Hits
1981 Hits

New Warlord Games Commandos

New Warlord Games Commandos... I'm buying these for sure!


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2189 Hits
1 Comment

French town square project

 I'm building a French town square for my French village for 28mm Bolt action. So far I have a blank space with a nice cobbled base courtesy of a texture roller from OTP terrain. Its a good first step I have also 3D printed some tables and chairs and a fountain as a start of the scatter terrain. Looking forward to painting.

  2119 Hits
2119 Hits

Dans Hobby Update, April '21

Dans Back! And he shows us what he's been up to. Featuring Warlord Games' Battlefield Debris set, Luftwaffe Field Div and more finished stuff..(Incl. British Airborne of course!). Plus he shows off some loot he received from May '40 Miniatures Fallshirmjager kickstarter. Thanks for watching! 

  1981 Hits
1981 Hits

Great game of Bolt Action with Ian and Ian

I had a great game of Bolt Action WWII goodness with wargame buddies Ian and Ian last week. The Soviets faced a worthy enemy Australians, hard combat and armed with Two 25 pounders. Little Kate did well and some very brave moves were made but I was beaten pretty well by Ian's Ozzies.

[Note if your viewing this on mobile its best viewed horizontal]

  2740 Hits
2740 Hits

Scale... (what? again you say?...)

New issues with scale. Lets say "a guy" already has scale phobia. Then "that guy" buys a 3D printer and has unlimited flexibility on how big he print things. Imagine how that will mess with "that guys" head... lucky I'm not like "that guy".

However, for this project at least, looks OK?

  1778 Hits
1778 Hits

EP: 17 interview with Pat Smith the author of the "Setting the scene" series of books

This episode is an interview with Pat Smith the author of the "Setting the scene" series of books and https://wargamingwithsilverwhistle.blogspot.com/. Pat does some of the most amazing wargames tables that I have ever seen, especially winter war. We discuss his previous 2 books and the latest one base in Norway 1940 - The Road to Dombas.

I had great fun​, got motivated I hope you do to.

Pat's blog: https://wargamingwithsilverwhistle.blogspot.com/

Book 1: http://www.stevenlampon.co.uk/portfolio/

Book 2: http://www.stevenlampon.co.uk/settingthescenevol2/

Book 3: http://www.stevenlampon.co.uk/dombas/

Want to purchase the book? Email the distributor: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Listen now in a podcast app near you or click on image below for the web player.

  2273 Hits
2273 Hits

'O' Group battalion level WWII rules now available

'O' Group battalion level WWII rules written by Dave Brown and published/distributed by Too Fat Lardies are now available here, the web site blurb goes like this:

'O' Group is a set of WWII battalion level rules designed for a player to command a battalion sized force plus supports, or a multiplayer game where each player can command a battalion as part of a larger battlegroup. The rules introduce some exciting command mechanisms that encourages the players to think about allocation of reserves as well as commanding their force in action. The rules include army lists covering the UK, USA, Germany and Soviet Union for the later war period but the rules can be used with historical unit structures to game the entire conflict.

I have purchased a copy and might be dusting off all the 15mm WWII stuff that's collecting dust in my garage.

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2139 Hits

Podcast EP20: WOW Buildings - 3d printable terrain interview with Paul

 This episode is an interview with Paul from WOW Buildings. Paul is a prolific 3D model designer and his legendary Kickstarters are *full* to the brim with great looking models and include almost all genres, but especially for valhallagames *many* of the kickstarters are WWII specific. Paul and I have a great chat about terrain, scales, the creative process and inspiration.

WOW Buildings 3d printable files web site is located here: https://wowbuildings.net/
The current massive American civil war Kickstarter is funded 10x already with 7 days to run is here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wowbuildings/wow-does-american-civil-war-the-alamo-terrain-scenery

I also get the scoop on what's coming next for all of us WWII wargamers, no negative waves there baby!


Available in a podcast app near you by searching for valhallagames (one word), or by clicking the image below for the web player.

  1891 Hits
1891 Hits

Podcast interview Pat Smith the author of the "Setting the scene" series of books

I have recorded an interview with Pat Smith the author of the "Setting the scene" series of books and https://wargamingwithsilverwhistle.blogspot.com/

Pat does some of the most amazing wargames tables that I have ever seen, especially winter war. 

Coming soon!

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1785 Hits

Rex's workbench update, Christmas break '20/'20

Its time for an update on everything that I got done over the Christmas break. Hopefully this motivates you to do more wargame hobby. There are a few tips and tricks here where I reveal my secret methods of doing things.

Let us know in the comments what you think and if you learned anything new or were motivated to start a new project.

  1628 Hits
1628 Hits

Kindle store special: BA D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors

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The kindle store is running a special right now, pre-order the Bolt Action: Campaign: D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors Campaign ebook for only US$10.90, around 50% off.

We still love the smell of new paper and love supporting our FLGS so we normally buy the paper copy as well but the kindle version is great to have for those late night reading sessions and while waiting for the bus. Additionally, searching in electronic format is somewhat(!) easier than searching in paper format.

Due out in only a few days get yours while its hot (and on special).


  1809 Hits
1809 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at https://valhallagames.net/youtube

...and don't forget if you would like to support us https://valhallagames.net/patron