Friday Photo: Rex's MOAB 2019 army

Historical background:*
Despite the losses it suffered in the defensive phase of the battle of Kursk, the Red Army managed to go over to a very successful offensive within two weeks, pushing the Germans back to the Dnieper and towards western Ukraine, overall Kursk campaign was a disaster for the Germans.

The Kursk campaign was a decisive Soviet success. For the first time, a major German offensive had been stopped prior to achieving a breakthrough.

In the morning of 3 Nov 1943, German 4th Panzer Army stationed in Kiev, Ukraine was surprised by a massive artillery and aerial bombardment, followed by advancing Soviet troops. After two days of action, Soviet troops entered a city not yet recovered from the battle in the previous year, and now further damaged by both the intense Soviet invasion and the scorched-earth German retreat. Kiev suffered 7,000 buildings, which included about 1,000 factories, plundered or destroyed at the hands of the Germans. 200,000 civilians were killed during the course of the war. 100,000 civilians were sent to concentration camps during the occupation. What resulted was a city with only 80,000 survivors, a mere 20% of its pre-war size.

Erich von Manstein of German 4th Panzer Army was able to convince Adolf Hitler to release German 48th Panzer Corps to conduct a counter attack, though his request for the inclusion of German 40th Panzer Corps was rejected. German troops drove forward, but they were halted by Soviet 7th Guards Tank Corps near Fastov. Similar scenarios played out all around Kiev with German troops fighting fiercely but unable to halt the Soviet juggernaut. The Germans caught their break with the arrival of German 48th Panzer Corps containing the elite 1st SS Panzer Division, retaking Brusilov and Zhitomir, two towns that the Soviets had recently captured. Large scale tank engagements ensued with heavy casualties on both sides over the course of the following month.

Although the Soviets emerged victorious, they failed to achieve the important objective of enveloping German Army Group South. Nevertheless, they were able to deal heavy damage to German 4th Panzer Army, and the morale boost for gaining Ukraine was substantial.

*According to some guys on the internet...

You didn't really think I was going to give away the army composition did you? ;-)
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2205 Hits

Pocketcasts podcast app now free...

Pocketcasts podcast app now free...

Get all your valhallagames podcasts and a world of other content with this great app now for free click here (*not* a paid promotion)

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1687 Hits

Trucks, lots of trucks

Trucks, lots of trucks, multi use USA and soviet lend lease. Finally finished except the pintle-mounted MMG's (and perhaps some paint). These are from Just one hint if you are planing to purchase the Studebaker truck make sure you get the Katyusha kit instead as it comes with the truck deck anyway.

Three trucks. The Katyusha is magnetized so it can be swapped out with the truck deck.
The truck chassis showing magnet.
The full set, all the truck chassis are more or less the same so I can swap in the Katyusha, open decks which will have the MMG permanently mounted. Also eventually the covered decks representing trucks without a gun.
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2390 Hits
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British 8th army, Rex's side project

I have realized that I don't have a picture of my 8th army here. This is a side project, I have only completed one squad plus a few guys but here you go. or click here to see the image full sized

Note also that my paint guide is located here

  3835 Hits
3835 Hits

Friday Photo: Soviet troop transport

 Moab 2019, yes I am...

  1929 Hits
1929 Hits

Friday photo: Statler and Waldorf

Statler and Waldorf, enough said...

  1912 Hits
1912 Hits

Bolt Action battle report: Assault on Johnny 1

 Italian Coastal Div. vs. British Airborne in the battle for the " Johnny 1" feature, in order to capture and hold Primosole Bridge in Sicily, 1943. 

Thanks for watching! If you like it please remember to subscribe, like it and share it around to others. Dan & Rex.


  4863 Hits
4863 Hits

Paul Sawyer & Alessio Cavatore Talk Bolt Action

 Paul Sawyer & Alessio Cavatore Talk Bolt Action; Stalingrad, *3* more books for D-Day, Bolt action V3, Korea, organized game-play (

  2111 Hits
2111 Hits

Friday photo: Terrain making

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Terrain making 1945, not much different to my garage this weekend. Perhaps less pipe smoke and more polystyrene. (...also I can't convince my wife to help)

  2295 Hits
2295 Hits

Podcast EP8: "A new hope"

Podcast EP8: "A new hope"

It is a period of total war; Allied armies, landing in hidden locations in Normandy on D Day attempt to win their first Western European battles against the evil Nazi empire... A short time later, Soviet forces strike through Romania and into Hungary, and advance onto Fortress Budapest...

If this was scrolling up the screen and had a princess escaping stormtroopers and Vader this couldn't get any more exciting!!

Join both Dan and Rex as we look back on the D Day 75th and Fortress Budapest Events respectively. We also do a hobby round up and our usual segments.

We hope you enjoy this and remind you to check out both our blog and Youtube channel.

Thanks for listening check out the show notes here.

Subscribe by searching for valhallagames (one word) in your podcast app or click on the link below for the web player.

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2283 Hits

Rex's Soviet paint recipe available to download now

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I have uploaded my Soviet winter paint recipe here. I'm not the best painter in the world but if this helps someone then great.

  2416 Hits
2416 Hits

Friday Photo: The face of war

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The face of war? Or is it? This popular photo depicts a young solider overcome with fear in the trenches but is it for real or not? Its black & white so it must be real...

I understand that this is a scene from a movie called "The Bridge" (a 1959 film made in West Germany), its been used a few times to demonstrate the horror of war but only once have I seen reference to it being from a movie and not a real historical photo.

Regardless, it's chilling image.

  2873 Hits
2873 Hits

Bolt action Fortress Budapest Day photos

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Rex's Fortress Budapest Day photos, yes I may have overdone it a bit with the photos perhaps quantity makes up for the quality, tricky in a dark room. A couple I "borrowed" from the bolt action Aust/NZ web page also where mine weren't great quality. 

Set 1 is my game 1, set 2 is my game 2 and the final set is general terrain and other peoples games.

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format]

Set 1:  (my game 1)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 2: (My game 2)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 3: (General photos and terrain)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

  3518 Hits
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3518 Hits
1 Comment

Rex's winter Soviets; Hobby update #3

 Rex's winter Soviets; Hobby update #3 Deep snow plus bonus indirect fire... still not there yet but close. Click on the image for the full sized version.

  2883 Hits
2883 Hits

Review; WWII Kreigsfischkutter 28mm/1:56 by Titan Terrain NZ (for Bolt Action?)

WWII Kreigsfischkutter 28mm/1:56 by Titan Terrain NZ (for Bolt Action?)

Join Dan as he reviews and shows off one of his current projects, and we compare it for scale vs. some Kriegsmarine minis. Find Titan Terrain NZ here; Highly Recommended product and company to deal with! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask below.

  3166 Hits
3166 Hits

The "next" D-Day campaign book is listed for pre-order

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The "next" D-Day campaign book is listed for pre-order on at least one online book store, release date 23 Jun 2020. 

Its apparently titled as "Campaign: D-Day: US Sector". With the first book already out and covering the first 24 hours only, we knew that there would be *an* additional book coming. However based on the title it looks like there will be multiple campaign books coming breaking things down it to LOT'S of detail and hopefully meaning that you wont miss out on the history of your favorite nation. That's my guess based on an early pre-release listing which can be notoriously unreliable. Adding to a huge list of supplements already available, I will have enough gaming for a lifetime of WWII and I'm loving it.

  2052 Hits
2052 Hits

Fortress Budapest Campaign day

Fortress Budapest Campaign day, was had, still need to process the photos but here are my soviets in full flight running across the cemetery.

Full sized image click here

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2354 Hits

Urban test model finished

Urban test model finished, first time I have ever done a test model only 1 or 2 steps ahead of the rest of the army. OK, no time for talking I have to paint!

  2073 Hits
2073 Hits

Friday Photo: "Wojtek" officially enlisted soldier bear

During World War II, an orphaned brown bear went from being a cuddly pet to an officially enlisted soldier in the Polish army, and reportedly saw fierce combat in Italy. Decades after the war and his death, "Wojtek" continues to be honored.

  4437 Hits
4437 Hits

Friday photo: Red Ball Highway

Friday photo: Red Ball Highway.

Just so you know, I often post these images without any description or with just some teaser text. The idea is if you don't know what its all about go and check it out do a web search read a book, a lot of times, fact really is stranger than fiction.

  1953 Hits
1953 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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