Rex's hobby update

Final decision: Angkor Wat, 'mostly' grey plus lots of greenery

Over the last few days, I have managed to find a bit more hobby time than normal. Mainly I have been obsessing and worrying over paint, techniques and paint colours for 3D printed building terrain. Having just received 25GB of new STL files from a recent fantasy building Kickstarter I'm need to have a specific (and good) recipe to go forward with. After toying with the great looking colour scheme, that was shown in the Kickstarter I have gone back and forward but settled on grey (yep the same grey that every other wargamer uses from age 14 onward has used). In my defence I'm inspired by the temple of Angkor Wat Cambodia so hopefully I will push it slightly past my 14 year old self.

I have been having difficulty using my normal method of brick/wall painting for a couple of reasons. 

  1. The spray on primer/paint seams to have changed recipe and 
  2. the new and improved technique of using XTC 3D or resin has proven to be not such a good idea as it nets a result that wont take a wash at all and behaves like some sort of weird contrast paint. 

I had also planned on some Gondor-white buildings for something else, that DID NOT work so I abandoned it this time round. Long story short I have the technique and can now move forward.

The beginning of something, some Normandy brick walls done. Everything else is WIP

The other thing I have been obsessing over is gaming mats. Since I stored away the realistic Primosole bridge board I have been dis-satisfied with almost all of the terrain mats I own for various reasons.
After toying with the idea of making my own terrain mat for 5 years and with my dissatisfaction for existing game mats coalescing, with having a couple of evenings free with no responsibility and I have all my ducks in a row!

  • Yesterday I gathered the required materials
  • Today I washed and dried my paint sheet to preshrink it and also to get rid of the heavy folds from it being packaged.
  • I think I have thought of everything (famous last words), roll on tomorrow!
5 years in the making, tomorrow is the day
Soviet Cav
The master plan: #1 BIG armies, BIG ...

Comments 4

Guest - Bob on Thursday, 31 August 2023 06:39

Hi Rex
I know what you mean about colours for buildings. I thought I had a good colour scheme for a Church on Okinawa for Bolt Action. It was only when I caught sight of the building in the corner of my eye and thought it looks like it's just come out of the printer. I knew then I had the wrong colours on it
Hoorah for primer and being able to restart the project with a better idea of what I want. What i'm going for is some stone colours from GW, may not be historically too accurate but will stand out a bit more on the table top
Best wishes

Hi Rex I know what you mean about colours for buildings. I thought I had a good colour scheme for a Church on Okinawa for Bolt Action. It was only when I caught sight of the building in the corner of my eye and thought it looks like it's just come out of the printer. I knew then I had the wrong colours on it Hoorah for primer and being able to restart the project with a better idea of what I want. What i'm going for is some stone colours from GW, may not be historically too accurate but will stand out a bit more on the table top Best wishes Bob
Rex on Sunday, 03 September 2023 19:00

Hi Bob, yes I hear you. You would be shocked if you knew how many iterations I have done on my current batch, I have been using new and exciting techniques to reduce the printed striations in the 3D prints but this has bought about new and exciting problems. I'm starting to think that the grass might be greener on the MDF side (again).

I’m also constantly conflicted about brick colours for certain environments but then I have been accused of other thinking things.

Progress has halted on brick constructions to allow for the creation of my first custom made game mat which has been a roaring success. Detail on that soon in a YouTube video.

Hi Bob, yes I hear you. You would be shocked if you knew how many iterations I have done on my current batch, I have been using new and exciting techniques to reduce the printed striations in the 3D prints but this has bought about new and exciting problems. I'm starting to think that the grass might be greener on the MDF side (again). I’m also constantly conflicted about brick colours for certain environments but then I have been accused of other thinking things. Progress has halted on brick constructions to allow for the creation of my first custom made game mat which has been a roaring success. Detail on that soon in a YouTube video.
Dan on Thursday, 31 August 2023 17:11

Great Scenery...looking forward to seeing it all painted up. What Im looking forward to the most though is your gaming mat.....!! pics when you are done!

Great Scenery...looking forward to seeing it all painted up. What Im looking forward to the most though is your gaming mat.....!! pics when you are done!
Rex on Sunday, 03 September 2023 19:01

Video even, anytime soon. PS the layer of spray glue worked a treat

Video even, anytime soon. PS the layer of spray glue worked a treat
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