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If you don't know already, ​I am making terrain boards. I'm trying to do the best I can do to make them as realistic as possible, I'm using a lot of new techniques or pushing on further with techniques that I already do. To that end I have purchased a woodland scenic rock molds and have cast up and stuck on some plaster rocks now I'm learning how to paint them to my liking.  The "its easy just do it like this" video by woodland scenic didn't work quite as planned and its a lot harder then what I expected probably because i'm mixing my own acrylic washes rather then using theirs. That's because it would take me 1000 years to use up all the products and they are relatively expensive.

Test 1

​Test 1, too dark (WAY) to dark need to water down the paint a LOT more

Test 2

Test 2, this was a lot lighter but more or less the same result??? I must be missing something.

Test 3

 Test 3, getting better, nice in fact but too red...

Test 4

Test 4, I like the result (not yet finished) but not the red colour. Off to the shop to get some more paint. Plus a few more casts required!!

Test 5

Test 5, happy with the colour just a little too strong. Getting close to what I want.

Test 6

Test 6 too light hitting on a roll of 2+ next turn...

Stay tuned for more excitement. I have had to create a couple of new units of measure they are called the; The black-current (a "black-currents" volume of paint), a pea (slightly bigger than a black-current), and a "SG" (that's 75% of a shotglass of water). Yes... I know!

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Comments 5

Dan on Friday, 13 December 2019 16:55

They look great at stage 3 & about just getting them to stage 4 and then seeing how the colors of your other ground cover affect & maybe knockback those red undertones? i think they will...and theres plenty of clay etc layers in rock that throw reds out too....?

They look great at stage 3 & about just getting them to stage 4 and then seeing how the colors of your other ground cover affect & maybe knockback those red undertones? i think they will...and theres plenty of clay etc layers in rock that throw reds out too....?
Rex on Monday, 16 December 2019 16:20

Check out image 5 I'm getting close to what I'm after. I will do one more then as you say try it with the flock. You know I love that part

Check out image 5 I'm getting close to what I'm after. I will do one more then as you say try it with the flock. You know I love that part
Rex on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 16:34

Test 6 above...

Test 6 above...
Dan on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 17:37 telling ya the one before is great, you need to stop focussing on the individual rock color and think of the overall ogres and onions..of the terrain as a whole. the ones i like with some purples/green washes in an occaisional place and itll be awesome! telling ya the one before is great, you need to stop focussing on the individual rock color and think of the overall ogres and onions..of the terrain as a whole. the ones i like with some purples/green washes in an occaisional place and itll be awesome!
Rex on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 17:48

Yeah, I'm doing a test bit now with flock etc and a bit of rock.

Yeah, I'm doing a test bit now with flock etc and a bit of rock.
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