With everything I have half finished makes sense to...

With everything I have half finished makes sense to... start a whole new theater of operations.

Armed with my book Painting War 3: WWII Japan & USA Armies i'm looking forward to just painting rather then spending weeks on the research phase.

Dans Hobby list progress
Dans Hobby Progress

Comments 4

Dan on Monday, 13 May 2024 15:31

Hahahaha! Some times you just need to paint a different shade of green.....!! looks like they will be nice bases!

yes, its nice to be able to concentrate on putting brush to model rather than WHAT colours should be. That is an amzing book, im looking forward to the british and commonwealth painting war book also when it gets to Oz/NZ.

Hahahaha! Some times you just need to paint a different shade of green.....!! looks like they will be nice bases! yes, its nice to be able to concentrate on putting brush to model rather than WHAT colours should be. That is an amzing book, im looking forward to the british and commonwealth painting war book also when it gets to Oz/NZ.
Rex on Monday, 13 May 2024 17:29

Same, re British and commonwealth. Its a lot of new paint to buy but because working out paint colours, is my least favourite job I actually will buy most to the recommanded colours.

Same, re British and commonwealth. Its a lot of new paint to buy but because working out paint colours, is my least favourite job I actually will buy most to the recommanded colours.
Guest - Bob on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 08:01

I can understand new projects and using different shades of green. I find it relaxing to change the colours around a bit and work on smaller projects.
My fear is the new projects I want to do are linked to the fact I like opening boxes of figures and parcels full of miniatures!!!
I got a copy of the Island Assault and I think that was more linked to a shiny new box rather than well planned out projects

I can understand new projects and using different shades of green. I find it relaxing to change the colours around a bit and work on smaller projects. My fear is the new projects I want to do are linked to the fact I like opening boxes of figures and parcels full of miniatures!!! I got a copy of the Island Assault and I think that was more linked to a shiny new box rather than well planned out projects
Rex on Sunday, 19 May 2024 16:34

Yes Bob I hear you, although i'm finding that storage is such an issue I may be forced to paint something . I happened to find some really good looking palm trees in my stash.

Yes Bob I hear you, although i'm finding that storage is such an issue I may be forced to paint something :D. I happened to find some really good looking palm trees in my stash.
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