Foamboard and clay buildings

As discussed in our last podcast [here], my project for 2020 (yes 2020 and I need to start now to make sure I gets done in time!) is a large number of some really nice scratch built Western France WWII buildings, however this technique would work for any era historical or fantasy. Before I clear the hobby desk for more pressing projects I wanted to share with you the small amount of progress I have made so far.
All the cool kids are making really nice buildings using clay over foam core that has been sculpted for the appropriate texture and I thought I would try may hand at that with/without subsequent duplication by casting in resin. To that end I have made a small test piece and explained the steps below.

Step I:

In the image below (1) I have rolled out some Das air dry clay to about 2mm thick and then stuck it to a scrap piece of foam core board with PVA glue.

Thing I learned in step I:

  • Use Das clay not the random stuff you find at you closest art or junk store. My non branded clay all cracked within 24 hours
  • Don't use too much PVA "just in case". A thin, even smear holds a lot better then what you might think.

Step II:
I used two different methods of sculpting some rough bricks, I have heard that people use both methods. Method A (2 in the image below) was a very rough try with a wooden cooking skewer (essentially a large wooden toothpick) immediately while the clay was still wet. Method B (3 in the image below) after 24 hours the clay was very dry (it's hot here currently) and the light, somewhat pathetic, scratches were made with a light duty craft knife and metal ruler.

Things I learned in step II:

  • If you want a decently deep brick line without having to press REALLY hard then do it when its wet.
  • Consider waiting a couple of hours? (testing required)
  • If you do it when its wet it will leave some ridges. However they can easily be scraped off later

I made the brick engravings various sizes to try to work out what would look reasonable size-wise against the 28mm minis (not necessarily to scale). After thinking about final usage and working in with other configurations such as damaged walls with piles of bricks alongside I decided to purchase some precast bricks and look at what size they were. They have now arrived and a couple of sample bricks are shown in 4 and 5 below.

As a couple of final shots below show I have roughed up a design for single building frontage and compared everything to a 28mm Warlord games plastic miniature for scale.

This project is officially on the back burner now but it has been an encouraging start.

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3395 Hits
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Friday Photo: "Shoes on the Danube Bank" - Budapest

In theme with Budapest campaign release this week, a more sombre "Why we fight" photo.

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2540 Hits

March hobby goal updates: Rex

My reasonable hobby goal from the last podcast (here) was to weather & complete my Panzer IV tank by 17 March, may not seam like a big job but this is the first vehicle that I will have ever weathered with oils, and pigments so its a big jump off. So, with 12 days to go here is a picture of what I have achieved so far...

​Comment (and subscribe to this post) below for updates.

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2609 Hits

Fortress Budapest - Bolt Action Supplement

The new Bolt Action Fortress Budapest Supplement is out now, I don't know anything abut this region and wasn't planning to purchase this book. 

However..., 15 min into this podcast interviewing Bryan Cook the author (and part of a team?) I have ordered. Another one to look forwrad to. :-)

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2949 Hits

Friday Photo - universal carrier in Italy

Friday Photo - universal carrier in Italy, notes to self: Buy more universal carriers...​ then... buy more universal carriers​ (just because they look so great).
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2687 Hits

Podcast EP5: All-you-can-eat wargaming fiesta & "the basis of terrain"

In this episode Rex and Dan discuss the recent Christmas break and the resulting all-you-can-eat wargaming fiesta. We also present the first part of our multi-part series on terrain where we begin a deep dive into the topic and look at the "basis" of wargaming tables, playing surfaces and play mats.

Show notes will be appearing at *link-to-follow-shortly* and while you are here we hope you will give us some feedback and perhaps send us photos of your best wargaming terrain build you can do that here:

Search and subscribe in your favorite podcast app or listen via the web player below.

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3471 Hits

British 8th army infantry paint guide

British 8th army infantry paint guide, draft version in case your interested. I don't claim to be the best painter but if this helps someone you are welcome. Get it here

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Relatively easy terrain project for Bolt Action

Relatively easy terrain project, basically free unlimited Normandy houses & a great project for the kids. Start to get your D-Day/operation Overlord action going now.

Well done Dan Buman (and

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Friday Photo: See, all the other wives help with the terrain...!?

Friday Photo: See, all the other wives help with the terrain...!?
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2470 Hits

In a fit of rage… Perfect miniature photography?

 In a fit of rage I went out and purchased a new camera lens, new tripod, tethering cable for shooting connected to the PC and a wireless shutter release. (well… its new to me anyway)

Below are the first couple of photos out of the new lens, I'm a lot happier with these than the results with my previous gear still a long way to go in terms of skill.

It does bring about another question though, how close is too close in miniature photography, for my minis if I go too close you start to see brush marks and dust (a surprising amount of dust!) and that actually detracts from the image. Perhaps its mini dioramas that are the next step, a small squad, a building and some trees all arranged nicely.

Perfect miniature photography may be like the perfect battle report, perhaps it doesn't exist?

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2881 Hits

Bolt action - Operation Slapstick game images

Following are some images from our recent operation slapstick game. If you haven't already check the video here

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Friday Photo - anti-mine training

Friday Photo - anti-mine training

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Friday photo - Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 2018. Fight hard, roll high, have fun

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Friday Photo: Yes that Bocage is "hard cover"

Friday Photo: Yes! we are calling that Bocage hard cover.

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My new custom print (cheap) gaming mat

First impressions of my new custom print (cheap) gaming mat. Its vinyl (so yuck) but it was half the price of "the real thing". Ill let you know how it works out, I can already see that there are + and -, its really an exercise, I wasn't sure what to expect.

Also check out this podcast for more detail on mats

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2999 Hits
1 Comment

Getting started in Bolt Action Part 1: Army selection

Getting started in Bolt Action Part 1: Army selection

This article is a work in progress, feedback and suggestions would be appreciated. The basis of this was written for a friend who is getting into Bolt action with his kids. Well done Ash, looking forwrad to playing you.

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US rocket launching tank

US rocket launching tank, if you arrive late make an entrance...

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Battle Frame 5000 by Back 2 Base-ix Wargaming Products

We will be talking about this product in a future podcast, the video is pretty old but they are still listed on the web site for purchase and look like an interesting product.

Web site:

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Knights Of Dice miniature wargaming case video "review"

Even more

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See below for my first impressions video of the Knights Of Dice miniature wargaming case. The "Campaign Case". 

Spoiler: I love it!!


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2669 Hits

Friday photo: Tanks in disguise

Friday photo: Tanks in disguise, If there isn't any cover, bring your own...

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3777 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at

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