Gaming table phase 2

 Gaming table phase 2. It begins with detailed panning and military precision, subscribe to this post for all the excitement, photos and progress report (not really excitement). Its my goal to progress quickly to a good result so I can move on to the next terrain project.) Materials have been purchased the opp is a go.

[Check the comments for progress photos]

This weekend i nipped off to Italy..
Friday photo: Cheese(?)

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Comments 8

Rex on Sunday, 18 November 2018 13:15

Starting to look like something:


Starting to look like something: [img]https:///[/img]
Dan on Sunday, 18 November 2018 17:52

looks like great progress! well done men!!

looks like great progress! well done men!!
Rex on Monday, 19 November 2018 09:55

Progress update:

Progress update: [img][/img]
Rex on Tuesday, 20 November 2018 23:45

Planning for shelves, doors and drawers. Its super technical... (not really)


Planning for shelves, doors and drawers. Its super technical... (not really) [img]https:///[/img] [img]https:///[/img]
Rex on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 13:45

Progress update:

Top fixing

Progress update: [img][/img] Top fixing [img][/img]
Rex on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 21:42

Hay Dan, a question... As you can see by the image below its pretty much ready for the top. As already discussed the 8x4 board will be removable so we can take it inside (45 degrees in the garage is not a good look) and also so that the rolling table will be a *lot smaller for garage storage with the top off*. However, I might as well add another permanent top to the trolley as it takes up X amount of space anyway. My original plan was to have the absolute minimum size of space the table can take up in the garage.

However if i'm going to put a permanent top on anyway perhaps it should be 6x4 even though that extra space all round will really use up my garage, I have been advised "its getting hard getteing to the cars round all the war-gaming crap". Your thoughts, and yeah I know its really a decision for me?

Hay Dan, a question... As you can see by the image below its pretty much ready for the top. As already discussed the 8x4 board will be removable so we can take it inside (45 degrees in the garage is not a good look) and also so that the rolling table will be a *lot smaller for garage storage with the top off*. However, I might as well add another permanent top to the trolley as it takes up X amount of space anyway. My original plan was to have the absolute minimum size of space the table can take up in the garage. However if i'm going to put a permanent top on anyway perhaps it should be 6x4 even though that extra space all round will really use up my garage, I have been advised "its getting hard getteing to the cars round all the war-gaming crap". Your thoughts, and yeah I know its really a decision for me? [img][/img]
Dan on Thursday, 22 November 2018 11:15

well done to both of you.. a good 'together' project.

I reckon just have the one full size lift off and just have a bare minmum top on the frame. Keeps the bystanding civilians happy too haha!

well done to both of you.. a good 'together' project. I reckon just have the one full size lift off and just have a bare minmum top on the frame. Keeps the bystanding civilians happy too haha!
Rex on Thursday, 22 November 2018 11:33

At 12pm lat night I had a whole new idea it involves cutting chunks off with a grinder and rebuilding some parts. Ill keep you posted, sometimes I find myself exhausting.

At 12pm lat night I had a whole new idea it involves cutting chunks off with a grinder and rebuilding some parts. Ill keep you posted, sometimes I find myself exhausting.
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