New Army for Rex... Winter Soviets

I just purchased the beginnings of a new army. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and "some assembly plus painting is required" :-)

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4030 Hits

Friday photo: Kübelwagen 1:1 scale

Last minute Friday photo, yes that me.

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Podcast EP7: “Knightly order of the frosted (varnish) seal”

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Podcast EP7: "Knightly order of the frosted (varnish) seal":

In this episode we talk about our time critical projects as we lead up to the commemoration of the D-Day 75th anniversary and the warlord games global D-day campaign. And, as the episode title suggests, tune in for the main content regarding sealing your models as we compare some products and brands in order to give you the information you need to finish off your miniatures with confidence.

In particular to this episode, we value your feedback and it can help others in regards to your trusted brands and methods of varnish too so please share them with others on our blog, youtube and email us!

Also Dan tries his hand at a US accent what could go wrong there?

Dan and Rex

Show-notes are here.
Subscribe to use in your favorite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click on the image below for the web player.

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3172 Hits

The paint mace...

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 Everyone needs a paint mace :-)

"Mace (bludgeon), a weapon with a heavy head on a solid shaft used to bludgeon opponents" (or a tool made by Rex and used to improve efficiency when spray painting). New podcast coming soon taking about the paint Mace and other significantly more interesting content.

Another reason to magnetise your bases or base on steel washers.

See... I do paint and play something other than WWII.

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2752 Hits

Friday photo: I hate custom paint mixing

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Friday photo: I hate custom paint mixing

Note to self:

I must not do custom mixing in the future

I must not do custom mixing in the future

I must not do custom mixing in the future

I must not do custom mixing in the future

Click on the image view full size
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2652 Hits

Warlord web-based campaign: D-Day

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This new facebook page is open now:

Looks interesting, the blurb:
"Warlord Games presents a 3 month long web-based campaign that draws on three of our major game systems: Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies & Cruel Seas. Based on the actual events in the run-up to Operation Neptune and on to the liberation of Paris. This campaign will be driven partly by the narrative of this historical event, and you, the gamer!
More details are to follow! Keep an eye out for our official D-Day campaign website (launching soon!), with information on how to sign up and much more!"

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3325 Hits

Showcasing an unpainted miniature???

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This miniature featured in my top minis from 2018 as discussed in this podcast. In fact its not from 2018 at all it was released as the special edition miniature with the Bolt Action V2 German army book (2016?) as shown here. But I received it in 2018 so that good enough for me.

I'm showing it here because:

  1. Its great mini
  2. It demonstrates how I prime (black first then a zenithal grey primer dusting over the top) check thiis podcast for the "why" of it
  3. It demonstrates how I base, at least the starting point in the process, which we will cover in a future podcast and possibly a how to guide
  4. It proves I have done something recently
  5. And lastly, it *really* is great mini

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2768 Hits

Beware Vallejo paint colours

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Beware Vallejo paint colours, just one example….

"Nearly done, just do one final highlight with Green Grey (or was that Grey Green)… ill just do a quick search that should illuminate things?..." See image below...

Moral of the story, make good records of what you used or it's all going to go horribly, horribly wrong. Make it part of your painting workflow.

  2522 Hits
2522 Hits

Downton Abbey vs. Saving Private Ryan mode...

I have a new hobby/painting table which I purchased from Aldi Australia today and assembled this evening.

It starts the evening in Downton abbey/Sense and Sensibility mode but later in the evening after everyone has gone to bed it transforms into Saving Private Ryan/WWII in colour mode.

I'll be looking forward to give it a run tomorrow night. Could be the best $99 I ever spent, will have to wait and see?

Downton abbey/Sense and Sensibility
Above: Saving Private Ryan/WWII in colour
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2577 Hits

Rex's May hobby challenge progress

Finally something to see. Beautiful minis, paint not so good so far...

Continue reading
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3420 Hits

Bolt action "Campaign: D-Day: Overlord" locations

Bolt action "Campaign: D-Day: Overlord" locations if you have the historical itch. Click on the image for the larger size.

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What’s in Campaign: D-Day: Overlord?

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For those not subscribed to the warlord bolt action newsletter, they have released the contents full details here but the scenarios are as listed below:

Campaign: D-Day: Overlord is crammed with 19 NEW scenarios, covering everything from the diversionary operations undertaken by the OSS and SOE to the amphibious assaults on the five Normandy beaches!

  • Scenario 1: Operation Titanic
  • Scenario 2: Pegasus Bridge: The Coupe de Main
  • Scenario 3: Pegasus Bridge: Taking the West Bank
  • Scenario 4: Assault on Merville Battery
  • Scenario 5: Skirmish in the Dark
  • Scenario 6: Brecourt Manor
  • Scenario 7: Objective XYZ
  • Scenario 8: Counter-Attack at Sainte-Mere-Eglise
  • Scenario 9: Neuville-Au-Plain
  • Scenario 10: Utah Beach
  • Scenario 11: Fox Green Beach
  • Scenario 12: Get Off the Beach!
  • Scenario 13: Pointe-Du-Hoc
  • Scenario 14: Frontal Assault on WN 29
  • Scenario 15: Queen Red Beach
  • Scenario 16: Ouistreham
  • Scenario 17: Pegasus Bridge: Hold Until Relieved
  • Scenario 18: Lebisey Wood
  • Scenario 19: La Fiere Bridge

For the full detail click on the image below.

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3302 Hits

(Part I) Australian War Memorial - Air-power

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If you are a wargamer that games WWI, II or later and you live in Australia you *need* to go to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra at least once, I went for the first time a couple of weeks ago and was blown away here is part 1 of my photos Air-power.

Click on the image for the supersized version.

Because Dan will complain if I don't add the detail of what each of these are so he can count the rivets Ill come back and do that when I have time. In the meantime enjoy and let me know if you want more (or less).

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3169 Hits

Bolt action "The Western Desert" Contents

Bolt action "The Western Desert" Contents:

Continue reading
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3385 Hits

Friday Photo: To the last Bullet.

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Friday Photo: To the last Bullet.

A very nice photo by Dan,  enough to inspire a game, or perhaps a new army or even a new home made  campaign. 

Who knows what will happen over the weekend... Hopefully not just mowing lawns and chores. :-)

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2693 Hits

The Longest Day: new bolt action "battle set"

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Warlord is teasing "The Longest Day" a new D-Day themed Bolt Action "battle set" which looks like it may be US only(?) including buildings and miniatures.

Update , now listed here:

"The longest day; Normandy, 6 June 1944. The Allies undertake the largest and most ambitious amphibious landings in history to return the fight to western Europe.
Re-create the turning point of the war, that allowed the Allies to gain a foothold in Europe and which was to set the stage for the Axis downfall."

This set contains:

  • 2x LCVP landing craft
  • 1x AT/Flak bunker
  • 1x Coastal Defence bunker
  • 2x German Pak 40 ATG (for inside the bunkers)
  • Craters/shell holes
  • 1x Duplex Drive Sherman with lowered screens
  • 32x plastic US Infantry
  • 16x plastic German Grenadiers
  • 2x MG 42 MMG teams
  • 4x US Army casualties
  • 2x US Engineers carrying Bangalore torpedoes
  • 2x MMG sandbag emplacements
  • Set of battlefield accessories
  • 2m of barbed wire
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5893 Hits

Bolt Action: "Raiders" (Due April 2020)?

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We have heard about this before on various podcasts, its now listed on at least one site for pre-order...

The Blurb: 

A new evolution of the Bolt Action wargaming rules, focusing on small-scale, man-to-man skirmishes, raids, and patrol encounters.

Throughout World War II, small-scale missions had--or could have had--a crucial impact upon the outcomes of battles, operations, and even entire theaters of conflict. From sabotaging hydroelectric plants in Norway and assassination attempts against Rommel in North Africa, to the defense of Pavlov's House at Stalingrad and covert landings in the Pacific and Normandy, Bolt Action: Raiders focuses on these desperate and hard-fought battles.

With rules based on the classic Bolt Action system, Raiders provides everything needed to recreate these critical operations--scenarios, rules for both special forces and regular troops, and a new campaign system that adds a narrative element to games. Watch your squad grow from green recruits to hardened veterans, gaining skills and abilities as they gain experience. Requiring only a handful of miniatures per side, Raiders is both an exciting new way to play Bolt Action and a perfect starting point for new players.

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3805 Hits

Bolt Action: Campaign: Stalingrad (Due Feb 2020)

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The blurb:

"Campaign rules and scenarios for the Battle of Stalingrad, bringing the most infamous battle of the Eastern Front to the award-winning Bolt Action series.

One of the most infamous and decisive battles of the Second World War, Stalingrad was a turning point of the Eastern Front, showing that the German juggernaut was not invincible. This new Campaign Book for Bolt Action allows players to refight the fierce Battle of Stalingrad, including the actions within the city itself and those of the surrounding area, the encirclement and attempted relief and breakout. New, linked scenarios, rules, troop types, and Theater Selectors provide plenty of options for both novice and veteran players alike."

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3349 Hits

Friday photo - TANK!!!

Tank at the Australian war memorial, along with ME. One of about 6 zillion photos from my visit. Centurion Tank Number 169053.

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3056 Hits

Big Tiger Build; FINISHED!!

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 Finally had time to finish off a few details on a couple of the other Tiger 1's this weekend..and here they are in all their glory!! 

  For those of you playing along at home ( !) , I have just added the final reveal vid to our Youtube channel! The vid includes the promised painting recipes etc. as well, so pop over there and watch it if youre interested in these cats.

   Hope youve enjoyed following along, and you enjoy the final products. 

   Im very happy, as I have vehicles here for Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, eastern front ( Including Kursk!) and western front including Normandy...and the Battle for Berlin right until the final days.

   I think my year to dates painted model list looks very healthy now, and im intending to keep score until December 15th to make it a full years list.


  • 2 x King Tigers
  • 3 x Tiger 1's
  • 1 x German Opel Blitz canvas canopy/sideboards (interchangeable with existing passenger open back one)
  • 24 Italian Coastal Defense Division infantry ( Based by Rex- thank you!)
  • 2 x Italian heavy weapons teams
  • 1 x Italian Artillery piece incl. 3 crew and spotter
  • 15 x German FJ in smocks
  • 9 x German FJ Tropical fatigues


  • 1x Italian Church
  • 1x Stone Bridge
  • 1.5 m2 of teddy bear fur hay and grass fields
  • Painted ONLY; 1x medium (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • Painted ONLY; 1x small (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • 1 x table worth of textured flexible rural roads
  • 1 x street barricade ( ponys, mattress, crate & sandbags)
  • 2 x concrete pillboxes
  • 1 x box Girder 'Primosole' Bridge ( Yes- I made and painted another one! Lol)
  • 30 x 'infantry dug in' entrenchments terrain pieces

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4292 Hits

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Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at

...and don't forget if you would like to support us