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As part of the 2019 d-day campaign that warlord is running they have released a 3 page mini supplement of rules for individual soldiers.
"For the purpose of this skirmish version, each man from a squad acts as a 'unit' and moves individually. These units do not have to stay in formation. When you prepare to play, your force gets one order die for each model it comprises of."
It also includes a new "force morale" mechanic similar to Chain Of Command.
"When your force has lost half or more of the models/ dice it started the game with, it has reached its breaking point. Whenever your force suffers a casualty from then on (including the casualty that caused your force to reach the breaking point), you must take a Break test."
Sounds like a bit of fun and I'm sure its been played this way plenty of times before in garages around the world. I will be interested to see if it plays out as a shorter game or not. Could be a gateway drug into the new "Raiders" game that's on the way.
Direct link: https://d-day.boltaction.com/pdf-scenarios/firefight-rules.pdf