XPS foam building, first attempt progress log

XPS foam building, first attempt progress log, just a simple building for a start. Photos after the "continue reading"...

Current stage (see the progress shots below)
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  4007 Hits
4007 Hits

Podcast EP10: 20/20 Vision

This time in the Valhallagames podcast we look back on 2019 from a wargaming perspective and we hand out awards in various categories for wargaming excellence. Bring your black tie and tuxedo or ball dress, find out who gets the imaginary valhallagames golden trophies.

Dan gives us the run down on his recent Bolt Action tournament "no surrender" along with all the cinematic drama.

Lastly, we look forward to all the new ideas valhallagames has for 2020 to do even better with the YouTube channel, podcast, and audience participation.

Web player here:

Show-notes here:

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1728 Hits

The best fantasy miniatures...

The best fantasy miniatures from a company that Rex had never heard of!! Firstly, I have to buy one of these Yeti's it would make a great "cave dweller" for my Kings of War Northern alliance army. But secondly I cant believe I have never heard of these guys! Click on the images below or go to: https://www.atlantisminiatures.com

While your there have a look at all the other miniatures, I think you will agree there is some outstanding stuff there. (NOT a paid promotion)

  2958 Hits
2958 Hits

Something completely different

Something completely different, zero dollar secret Santa

  1632 Hits
1632 Hits

The good the bad and the ugly of mass army painting

The good the bad and the ugly of mass army painting:

OK I admit it I love skirmish games for a number of reasons but tonight's painting efforts have revealed just one more reason.

  • The good; my painting has improved each new army puts the last to shame so that's a good thing. Still plenty of room to improve but heading in the right direction.
  • The bad (and good); bad news is that these new plastic Northern Alliance Clansman from mantic games are too good! The amount of detail is amazing, sure that's a good thing but its going to take a huge amount of time to paint them.
  • The ugly; how will I ever get a full Kings of War army painted with this level of detail? Did I mention I love skirmish games​?

See below for a couple of snaps of the first completed test model, after that I'm looking for something in a shade of camo green!

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2188 Hits

Flock 'n' Rocks

Test piece... on day when I have the real thing finished I will post a video.

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1734 Hits

Dans Painting scorecard 2019

So at this exact time last year; the beginning of my xmas holidays I started a scorecard of what id painted in the year. 

I admit to not always being current in updating it , but heres the finished list, as its been a year and i will start the 2020 scorecard as of now.


  • 2 x King Tigers
  • 3 x Tiger 1's
  • 1 x German Opel Blitz canvas canopy/sideboards (interchangeable with existing passenger open back one)
  • 24 Italian Coastal Defense Division infantry ( Based by Rex- thank you!)
  • 2 x Italian heavy weapons teams
  • 1 x Italian Artillery piece incl. 3 crew and spotter
  • 15 x German FJ in smocks
  • 9 x German FJ Tropical fatigues
  • 17 x Late war German Heer infantry
  • 7 x Early war Heer '88 crew
  • 1 x Heer kwk 5 cm static gun and crew
  • 25 x  British paratroopers
  • 1 x Wehrmacht citroen staff car


  • 1x Italian Church
  • 1x Stone Bridge
  • 1.5 m2 of teddy bear fur hay and grass fields
  • Painted ONLY; 1x medium (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • Painted ONLY; 1x small (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • 1 x table worth of textured flexible rural roads
  • 1 x street barricade ( ponys, mattress, crate & sandbags)
  • 2 x concrete pillboxes
  • 1 x box Girder 'Primosole' Bridge ( Yes- I made and painted another one! Lol)
  • 30 x 'infantry dug in' entrenchments terrain pieces
  • 12 x urban rubble piles
  • 20 low stucco wall sections
  • 24 stone, wattle and wood fence/wall sections
  • 1 potting conservatory
  • 1 wrecked opal blitz with box loads
  • 8 various field entrenchments
  • 2 urban barricades
  • 1 x Tobruk bunker for static german gun
  • 5 x sandbag gun pits.

I dont think thats a bad list considering the amount of time i spend away ​and in the field in my job as well as working shifts whilst instructing  our trainees ..its one thing to  say one 'doesnt have time' its another to really physically not be with your models and hobby equipment for large chunks of the year, so...i think a job well done! 

I will start my new list as of now and keep anyone who cares updated on here! 



  1693 Hits
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1693 Hits
1 Comment

" On the 12 days of Christmas, my paint queue gave to me....."

Not a day by day mission, but i do commit to painting the following by 31st January;

12 River sections....
11 Kreigsmarine and boat
10 germans on a transport...
9 warhammer quest doorways...8 Octagonal Octopii ...( nah not really, but I didnt have 8 of anything, so ive got a secret terrain project from gods of the number 8....!)
7 Questing characters
6 German HQ..
5 sets of scatter terrain...
4 Mediterranean Buildings...
3 T-34/85s ...
2 German Tanks....
And an FJ Pak 40 in a pear treeeeeeeeee......!!Hope everyone else has got some plans that involve some painting or hobby projects in some spare time these holidays. Regards, Dan.
  1836 Hits
1836 Hits

Rock project

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If you don't know already, ​I am making terrain boards. I'm trying to do the best I can do to make them as realistic as possible, I'm using a lot of new techniques or pushing on further with techniques that I already do. To that end I have purchased a woodland scenic rock molds and have cast up and stuck on some plaster rocks now I'm learning how to paint them to my liking.  The "its easy just do it like this" video by woodland scenic didn't work quite as planned and its a lot harder then what I expected probably because i'm mixing my own acrylic washes rather then using theirs. That's because it would take me 1000 years to use up all the products and they are relatively expensive.

Test 1

​Test 1, too dark (WAY) to dark need to water down the paint a LOT more

Test 2

Test 2, this was a lot lighter but more or less the same result??? I must be missing something.

Test 3

 Test 3, getting better, nice in fact but too red...

Test 4

Test 4, I like the result (not yet finished) but not the red colour. Off to the shop to get some more paint. Plus a few more casts required!!

Test 5

Test 5, happy with the colour just a little too strong. Getting close to what I want.

Test 6

Test 6 too light hitting on a roll of 2+ next turn...

Stay tuned for more excitement. I have had to create a couple of new units of measure they are called the; The black-current (a "black-currents" volume of paint), a pea (slightly bigger than a black-current), and a "SG" (that's 75% of a shotglass of water). Yes... I know!

  2251 Hits
2251 Hits

Friday Photo - Improvised Hitler’s buzzsaw

Improvised Hitler's buzzsaw (...and hot too)

  2447 Hits
2447 Hits

Podcast EP9: The trouble with 28mm

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In this episode Dan & Rex talk about "the trouble with 28mm". What even is 28mm… it's not a scale? Rex gets angry, will Dan soothe things out and will we come to grips with our scale woe's? Will we have a prime directive to give to all manufacturers to ensure that when we open the box will we have "joy"?

As well as that Rex talks about the performance of his new soviets at MOAB gaming convention in Sydney. 

Subscribe in your favorite podcasting app (search for vallhallagames) or click on the image below to view the web player.

  2035 Hits
2035 Hits

Who talks most on the podcast? ;-)

Scientific analysis (not really!) of who talks most on the forthcoming podcast? Dan's waveform at the top, Rex's at the bottom. Next Podcast episode coming to a device near you very soon.

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1761 Hits

Dan's Scatter terrain-o-rama for WWII Chain of Command & Bolt Action

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Dan's Scatter terrain-o-rama for WWII Chain of Command & Bolt Action on YouTube:

Dans scatter terrain build comes to fruition!

Manufacturers links: 

Anyscale Models; https://www.anyscalemodels.com/
Charlie Foxtrot; https://www.charliefoxtrotmodels.com/...
Supreme Littleness Designs; http://www.supremelittleness.co.uk/sl... 

Thanks for watching! Please "like' if you enjoyed it and consider subscribing and telling others about our channel. Regards, Rex & Dan.

  2512 Hits
2512 Hits

Kings of War V3; Shadows in the North. 2-Player Starter Set, Unboxing and a quick look

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Rex shares his first impressions of the Kings of War V3; Shadows in the North, 2-Player Starter Set. If you don't play KOW already it a great low cost entry into a fantasy game system. Now in version 3, a well-tested and mature game system. http://www.manticgames.com/

  2201 Hits
2201 Hits

XPS foam buildings and terrain (Part 1, it could be catching...)

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XPS foam buildings and terrain, its like finding an unlimited box of free Lego under your bed! 

My first attempt is below which I did while watching TV last night. However seeing as overnight I literally I dreamed about building an entire city this way, there is no holding back now. (excuse the mini painting, I got him on ebay as part of a bulk lot)

Left, commercial resin wall. Right my most excellent(?) first attempt.
  2880 Hits
2880 Hits

Review; “Masters in Miniature” By Alan & Michael Perry

In this video Dan takes us on a tour of the book "Masters in Miniature" by Alan & Michael Perry. We hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel while you are there.

Share this video round and help promote the Perry's, a great miniatures company.

NOTE: there are two order codes AND PRICES(!) for this book... this link above takes you to the website and the book for the "rest of the world" postage. For orders within the U.K choose the "other" option from the Perry Miniatures website.

(NOT a paid promotion)

  2036 Hits
2036 Hits

Kings of war V3 rulebook index

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Kings of war V3 printable rulebook index, created for your playing enjoyment by valhallagames.net click on the image below to go to the download page. Consider this version 0.5, a work in progress, more to follow. Contact us here for corrections or suggestions.

Edit V0.6 now available has special rules and artifacts.

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3649 Hits

Friday Photo - Tea

Friday Photo - Tea

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2484 Hits

Christchurch Wargaming Club; D Day 75th Event.

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On the 75th anniversary of the D Day invasion, the CWC organised a full event for wargamers and public alike to attend. Dan attended to take part in Bolt Action and record for posterity.

With Militaria from the period and Huge games of Flames Of War and Bolt Action on display the club did itself proud in both commemorating and educating others around the event.

We have invested significant time on the video to show the efforts of the coordinators and the participants - thanks to all and we look forward to the next opportunity.

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2967 Hits

Bolt Action podcast listing

A listing of Bolt Action Podcasts is now on the static part of our web site click here or on the image below:

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1700 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at https://valhallagames.net/youtube

...and don't forget if you would like to support us https://valhallagames.net/patron