Beccas Command & Op. Upgrade Pt 2

Check in with Dans progress on Operation; Upgrade on the 2nd hand Waffen SS force, and as he introduces his Command models to support P Beccas. Get well soon! Hope you are ALL safe and well out there team.

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2041 Hits

Warlord PDF & Ebook sale most products 50% off

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In this time of limited physical product shipping Warlord Games is having a PDF & Ebook sale, most products 50% off not just bolt action either other games systems like black powder as well. I don't know if this was advertised and I missed it or if this is breaking news, either way its time to stock up on eBooks.

Bolt action:

Black Powder:

Warlords of Erehwon

Pike & Shotte

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3071 Hits

Soviet winter army nearly finished....

Soviet winter army nearly finished.... here are all the extra spotters for my inexperience mortars and other indirect fire units (??). 

Most of these came into being with only 3 days to go until MOAB 2019. Finally getting round to finishing them off, just a few canteen lids and a clear coat once the weather improves. Then I have to go through the rest of the army and see what didn't manage to get a second highlight and finally 4 vehicles, OK perhaps not nearly finished but perhaps the beginning of the end.

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2210 Hits

German Heer Army Showcase

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Join Dan as he talks you through his work on creating a fairly era-and-front flexible, generic Heer army force for the tabletop For future games of Chain Of Command and Bolt action. We hope you enjoy this. Stay safe everyone and pick up the phone and call a mate or a family member who might be alone at the moment and say hi. 

Regards, Rex and Dan.

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Marston tonight - game on this evening

 I got these magnificent trees as a Christmas present in 2018 now I'm rushing to get them ready for the game in about 6 hours. Don't call me a procrastinator I started 6 hours before I needed them!

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1848 Hits

Miniature XPS Foam building first time build!

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 Miniature XPS foam building first time build! Rex has lots of fun and ends up with a great result. Check out the finished product in this reveal video. A classic Mediterranean building for Bolt Action, Chain Of Command or any other 28mm wargame set in the Med. Hope the customer is happy! :-)

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Christchurch Wargaming Club; D Day 75th Event.

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On the 75th anniversary of the D Day invasion, the CWC organised a full event for wargamers and public alike to attend. Dan attended to take part in Bolt Action and record for posterity.

With Militaria from the period and Huge games of Flames Of War and Bolt Action on display the club did itself proud in both commemorating and educating others around the event.

We have invested significant time on the video to show the efforts of the coordinators and the participants - thanks to all and we look forward to the next opportunity.

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3148 Hits

Soviet artillery clone wars

Continuing with my preparation for Moab 2019 I now have my 3d printed soviet medium howitzer painted up and ready to go, what it is missing is anyone to actually fire it. Being a 3D printed model of course it didn't come with any miniatures so off I went to the wargaming store to purchase Zis-2 anti-tank miniature (that I didn't really want) and team in order to get the crew miniatures because you can't buy the crew by themselves. 

Once I get them home, scraped off and ready to start painting I wondered if in fact being such a large gun it was only supposed to have 3 crew like the Zis 2 so I went to the rule book and had a look in fact it needed 4. Oh, there's a problem, in fact needed 5 because one of the main reasons that I took this unit over another Zis 3 was that it can have a spotter*. While I was on the job I had a quick look at my Zis-3 and to my surprise this unit actually has 4 crew as well even though only 3 come with the model!
Looking over the rest of the build I notice that my medium mortars have the required three guys but again no spotters soooo… in fact for my entire army including the Zis 2, Zis 3, medium artillery and 2 medium mortars (not that I would realistically use all of that at once) I am actually missing a total of 8 crew and spotter models so what's a man to do? Bear in mind at this point it's a week till the event and I still have to assemble paint and base all of these!

Solution; clone wars.
Obviously, I wouldn't do this to sell and honestly if I could just purchase the guys I would but I can't so out with mould making silicone and resin and "a while" later I have my 8 extra. I don't have a casting pressure pot and degas chamber so there are some small holes, and a few miscasts for the bin but at least now I'm ready to paint. 50 minute demold allows for a pretty quick turnaround.

The saga continues, now I only have 3 days to paint all of this and finish the rest of the army and "a fun challenge" is starting to wear a bit thin, more to follow.

Images below:

50% of the mould made
Completed mini, just needs a few holes filled and ready to paint
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2237 Hits

DIY medium artillery piece - 3D printing

I have always wanted a 3D printer just the same as I have loved the idea of making a mold and casing things. That concept of "Xeroxing" something in 3D really gets me going, perhaps it's the wargamers "more, more, more miniatures" thing where your army is never big enough and certainly one army is never enough. Sadly, I don't have a 3D printer, its not that I couldn't afford to get one I guess, its more like a recovering alcoholic shouldn't have "just one drink". I already have enough in my personal life plus wargaming plus photography plus wargaming-photography, now plus blogging and podcasting and videography as well I really don't need another hobby…. do I…?

However, the 3D printing came in handy in preparation for the Sydney MOAB 2019 wargaming event in which I decided to take an artillery heavy soviet WWII force to play bolt action.

I went to purchase a medium artillery piece from Warlord games, hmm nothing there... OK what about Rubicon, hmm nothing there either. Finally, a general web search for 1/56 scale soviet medium artillery models revealed exactly …. Zero.

With time running out what is a man to do? One thing that my web search did uncover was a free 3D print model of a Soviet A-19 122mm gun.

Now, even though I don't have a 3d printer I have a good mate Nathan who has one at his work, and being a fellow soviet player I though an offer of a free gun for him might entice him to print one for each of us, he took the bait and in a day or so I got a message to say the first one was done (sort of).

Now this is Nathans first try with the 3D printer and I don't know how good the free model was as well so I wasn't expecting too much but when I received the model, I was really pleased even though I could see there was a bit or work to be done and that plastic is HARD.

I got stuck in with scraper and sandpaper and a small grinder and some plastic putty and a few hours later I had something was passable. (See the progression of images below.)

So how did I go with my first impression of 3d Printing. On the plus side, in 4 hours I had a completed model exactly what I wanted, for exactly zero dollars. No postage no purchase and no waiting. Looking at the quality well its hard to just because this was a first effort, in the end the quality is passable, but it took a fair amount of work. Nathan says the second one looks a lot better and I assume different printers would give a better (or worse) result. 

I'm looking foreword to the future, if I could have purchased one (with crew) I would have done that instead, but if I need 2 or 3 (or 10!)... rock on 3D printing.

So now I have the gun the next thing I don't have is any crew, the story continues… 

THANKS Nathan!

More images below...

Continue reading
  2228 Hits
2228 Hits

Friday Photo: Rex's MOAB 2019 army

Historical background:*
Despite the losses it suffered in the defensive phase of the battle of Kursk, the Red Army managed to go over to a very successful offensive within two weeks, pushing the Germans back to the Dnieper and towards western Ukraine, overall Kursk campaign was a disaster for the Germans.

The Kursk campaign was a decisive Soviet success. For the first time, a major German offensive had been stopped prior to achieving a breakthrough.

In the morning of 3 Nov 1943, German 4th Panzer Army stationed in Kiev, Ukraine was surprised by a massive artillery and aerial bombardment, followed by advancing Soviet troops. After two days of action, Soviet troops entered a city not yet recovered from the battle in the previous year, and now further damaged by both the intense Soviet invasion and the scorched-earth German retreat. Kiev suffered 7,000 buildings, which included about 1,000 factories, plundered or destroyed at the hands of the Germans. 200,000 civilians were killed during the course of the war. 100,000 civilians were sent to concentration camps during the occupation. What resulted was a city with only 80,000 survivors, a mere 20% of its pre-war size.

Erich von Manstein of German 4th Panzer Army was able to convince Adolf Hitler to release German 48th Panzer Corps to conduct a counter attack, though his request for the inclusion of German 40th Panzer Corps was rejected. German troops drove forward, but they were halted by Soviet 7th Guards Tank Corps near Fastov. Similar scenarios played out all around Kiev with German troops fighting fiercely but unable to halt the Soviet juggernaut. The Germans caught their break with the arrival of German 48th Panzer Corps containing the elite 1st SS Panzer Division, retaking Brusilov and Zhitomir, two towns that the Soviets had recently captured. Large scale tank engagements ensued with heavy casualties on both sides over the course of the following month.

Although the Soviets emerged victorious, they failed to achieve the important objective of enveloping German Army Group South. Nevertheless, they were able to deal heavy damage to German 4th Panzer Army, and the morale boost for gaining Ukraine was substantial.

*According to some guys on the internet...

You didn't really think I was going to give away the army composition did you? ;-)
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2379 Hits

British 8th army, Rex's side project

I have realized that I don't have a picture of my 8th army here. This is a side project, I have only completed one squad plus a few guys but here you go. or click here to see the image full sized

Note also that my paint guide is located here

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4024 Hits

Bolt Action battle report: Assault on Johnny 1

 Italian Coastal Div. vs. British Airborne in the battle for the " Johnny 1" feature, in order to capture and hold Primosole Bridge in Sicily, 1943. 

Thanks for watching! If you like it please remember to subscribe, like it and share it around to others. Dan & Rex.


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5106 Hits

Paul Sawyer & Alessio Cavatore Talk Bolt Action

 Paul Sawyer & Alessio Cavatore Talk Bolt Action; Stalingrad, *3* more books for D-Day, Bolt action V3, Korea, organized game-play (

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2267 Hits

Podcast EP8: "A new hope"

Podcast EP8: "A new hope"

It is a period of total war; Allied armies, landing in hidden locations in Normandy on D Day attempt to win their first Western European battles against the evil Nazi empire... A short time later, Soviet forces strike through Romania and into Hungary, and advance onto Fortress Budapest...

If this was scrolling up the screen and had a princess escaping stormtroopers and Vader this couldn't get any more exciting!!

Join both Dan and Rex as we look back on the D Day 75th and Fortress Budapest Events respectively. We also do a hobby round up and our usual segments.

We hope you enjoy this and remind you to check out both our blog and Youtube channel.

Thanks for listening check out the show notes here.

Subscribe by searching for valhallagames (one word) in your podcast app or click on the link below for the web player.

  2465 Hits
2465 Hits

Review & Build; Mediterranean Village Town Hall

 Join Dan as he assembles and reviews the Med. Town Hall from Things From the Basement. available here;

This vid contains a tutorial of applying stucco texture to buildings and painting to a high standard for your tabletop- all suitable for a range of periods, scales and games.
We hope you enjoy this; if you do please "Like" , Subscribe and share this with others. Dan & Rex.

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2465 Hits

Friday Photos; Size matters....or does it?

​I found these images hiding away and wanted to share them so you could compare the corgi SDKFZ 7 with the warlord games resin.

I think youll agree that at eye level and side- by -side theres a pretty obvious difference...
As is the difference from the top if they are immediately next to each other, again....
...BUT; How great do they look here..approx 7-8 inches apart?!!

I think youll agree those look more than comfortable sitting next to each other on the table top..but how about when we add the infantry next to them? Perry? Warlord? Artizan? Offensive? Hmmmm......

So ; heres my point for us. And a challenge to Rex for the next WIP podcast;

Scale. In particular the challenges of 28mm 'scale' wargaming.  

Why cant we have nice things? why do we fight like cats in a bag over the size of models -especially vehicles and armour - to use?

I have a lot to say on the subject, and hopefully some of it might not even bore you! 

We have the next episode 'In the Can' and almost ready to go, but this ones 'stood in the door' as our topic for the following podcast. 

Have a great weekend team and get some games in!! 


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2209 Hits
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Bolt action Fortress Budapest Day photos

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Rex's Fortress Budapest Day photos, yes I may have overdone it a bit with the photos perhaps quantity makes up for the quality, tricky in a dark room. A couple I "borrowed" from the bolt action Aust/NZ web page also where mine weren't great quality. 

Set 1 is my game 1, set 2 is my game 2 and the final set is general terrain and other peoples games.

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format]

Set 1:  (my game 1)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 2: (My game 2)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 3: (General photos and terrain)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

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3739 Hits
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Rex's winter Soviets; Hobby update #3

 Rex's winter Soviets; Hobby update #3 Deep snow plus bonus indirect fire... still not there yet but close. Click on the image for the full sized version.

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3067 Hits

Review; WWII Kreigsfischkutter 28mm/1:56 by Titan Terrain NZ (for Bolt Action?)

WWII Kreigsfischkutter 28mm/1:56 by Titan Terrain NZ (for Bolt Action?)

Join Dan as he reviews and shows off one of his current projects, and we compare it for scale vs. some Kriegsmarine minis. Find Titan Terrain NZ here; Highly Recommended product and company to deal with! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask below.

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3345 Hits

The "next" D-Day campaign book is listed for pre-order

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The "next" D-Day campaign book is listed for pre-order on at least one online book store, release date 23 Jun 2020. 

Its apparently titled as "Campaign: D-Day: US Sector". With the first book already out and covering the first 24 hours only, we knew that there would be *an* additional book coming. However based on the title it looks like there will be multiple campaign books coming breaking things down it to LOT'S of detail and hopefully meaning that you wont miss out on the history of your favorite nation. That's my guess based on an early pre-release listing which can be notoriously unreliable. Adding to a huge list of supplements already available, I will have enough gaming for a lifetime of WWII and I'm loving it.

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2190 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at

...and don't forget if you would like to support us