The Longest Day: new bolt action "battle set"

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Warlord is teasing "The Longest Day" a new D-Day themed Bolt Action "battle set" which looks like it may be US only(?) including buildings and miniatures.

Update , now listed here:

"The longest day; Normandy, 6 June 1944. The Allies undertake the largest and most ambitious amphibious landings in history to return the fight to western Europe.
Re-create the turning point of the war, that allowed the Allies to gain a foothold in Europe and which was to set the stage for the Axis downfall."

This set contains:

  • 2x LCVP landing craft
  • 1x AT/Flak bunker
  • 1x Coastal Defence bunker
  • 2x German Pak 40 ATG (for inside the bunkers)
  • Craters/shell holes
  • 1x Duplex Drive Sherman with lowered screens
  • 32x plastic US Infantry
  • 16x plastic German Grenadiers
  • 2x MG 42 MMG teams
  • 4x US Army casualties
  • 2x US Engineers carrying Bangalore torpedoes
  • 2x MMG sandbag emplacements
  • Set of battlefield accessories
  • 2m of barbed wire
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5893 Hits

Bolt Action: "Raiders" (Due April 2020)?

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We have heard about this before on various podcasts, its now listed on at least one site for pre-order...

The Blurb: 

A new evolution of the Bolt Action wargaming rules, focusing on small-scale, man-to-man skirmishes, raids, and patrol encounters.

Throughout World War II, small-scale missions had--or could have had--a crucial impact upon the outcomes of battles, operations, and even entire theaters of conflict. From sabotaging hydroelectric plants in Norway and assassination attempts against Rommel in North Africa, to the defense of Pavlov's House at Stalingrad and covert landings in the Pacific and Normandy, Bolt Action: Raiders focuses on these desperate and hard-fought battles.

With rules based on the classic Bolt Action system, Raiders provides everything needed to recreate these critical operations--scenarios, rules for both special forces and regular troops, and a new campaign system that adds a narrative element to games. Watch your squad grow from green recruits to hardened veterans, gaining skills and abilities as they gain experience. Requiring only a handful of miniatures per side, Raiders is both an exciting new way to play Bolt Action and a perfect starting point for new players.

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Bolt Action: Campaign: Stalingrad (Due Feb 2020)

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The blurb:

"Campaign rules and scenarios for the Battle of Stalingrad, bringing the most infamous battle of the Eastern Front to the award-winning Bolt Action series.

One of the most infamous and decisive battles of the Second World War, Stalingrad was a turning point of the Eastern Front, showing that the German juggernaut was not invincible. This new Campaign Book for Bolt Action allows players to refight the fierce Battle of Stalingrad, including the actions within the city itself and those of the surrounding area, the encirclement and attempted relief and breakout. New, linked scenarios, rules, troop types, and Theater Selectors provide plenty of options for both novice and veteran players alike."

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Big Tiger Build; FINISHED!!

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 Finally had time to finish off a few details on a couple of the other Tiger 1's this weekend..and here they are in all their glory!! 

  For those of you playing along at home ( !) , I have just added the final reveal vid to our Youtube channel! The vid includes the promised painting recipes etc. as well, so pop over there and watch it if youre interested in these cats.

   Hope youve enjoyed following along, and you enjoy the final products. 

   Im very happy, as I have vehicles here for Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, eastern front ( Including Kursk!) and western front including Normandy...and the Battle for Berlin right until the final days.

   I think my year to dates painted model list looks very healthy now, and im intending to keep score until December 15th to make it a full years list.


  • 2 x King Tigers
  • 3 x Tiger 1's
  • 1 x German Opel Blitz canvas canopy/sideboards (interchangeable with existing passenger open back one)
  • 24 Italian Coastal Defense Division infantry ( Based by Rex- thank you!)
  • 2 x Italian heavy weapons teams
  • 1 x Italian Artillery piece incl. 3 crew and spotter
  • 15 x German FJ in smocks
  • 9 x German FJ Tropical fatigues


  • 1x Italian Church
  • 1x Stone Bridge
  • 1.5 m2 of teddy bear fur hay and grass fields
  • Painted ONLY; 1x medium (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • Painted ONLY; 1x small (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • 1 x table worth of textured flexible rural roads
  • 1 x street barricade ( ponys, mattress, crate & sandbags)
  • 2 x concrete pillboxes
  • 1 x box Girder 'Primosole' Bridge ( Yes- I made and painted another one! Lol)
  • 30 x 'infantry dug in' entrenchments terrain pieces

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4292 Hits

Bolt Action, Italy Pt2; Battle for Mottola

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Op Slapstick-Italy '43; The concluding second part of the mini campaign, German FJ vs British....

10 September, 1943. Operation "Slapstick".

  • British Paratroopers from 156 Parachute Bn, having seized Key strategic points of entry into Mottola , now assault the German Fallschirmjager defenders in strength in what becomes a bloody battle for the town.
  • Scenario; Meeting engagement. 1000pts per army.
  • This mini campaign will utilise the rules for campaigns found in the Bolt Action; Battle of France sourcebook.

See here for battle 1:

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5311 Hits

Fortress Budapest - Bolt Action Supplement

The new Bolt Action Fortress Budapest Supplement is out now, I don't know anything abut this region and wasn't planning to purchase this book. 

However..., 15 min into this podcast interviewing Bryan Cook the author (and part of a team?) I have ordered. Another one to look forwrad to. :-)

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3076 Hits

New BA Batrep on our youtube; Op. Slapstick ( Italy '43)

Hi All! As promised and thanks to the technological wizardry of Rex (!), our new battle report is up on our Valhalla Games youtube channel.

This one is based around Op. Slapstick & the advance north from the landings at the  Taranto port by the Brit paratroopers of 156 Para Bn, 1st Airborne Div....and meeting their arch adversaries 1st Fallschirmjager.

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3245 Hits
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Podcast EP4: MOAB 2018 Bolt Action - Dan & Rex go off to war

Come along with us as we go off to battle in the premier Sydney miniature wargaming event of 2018. Spending the weekend at MOAB "Mother Of All Battles" (not to be confused with a mother who constantly asks about your homework or Mother-In-Law) Will Dan's tropical Fallschirmjäger flown in from Sicily and Rex's Fallschirmjäger hurried redeployed from off the line from defending against operation overlord save the day. 

Will the fuhrers fire brigade prove up to the task or will they be pushed back licking their wounds. Pull up a sandbag, pass around the bully beef (or sauerkraut)... and listen in as we talk about the MOAB 2018 Bolt Action event and bring you (almost!!) up to date on what we have been doing wargaming wise... almost-ish!!

Subscribe to us by searching for valhallagames in your podcast app. You can also play this episode in the web player by clicking the image.

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4442 Hits

Tanks, Parachutes and stuff...

Hi All. So it was a long weekend here in New Zealand with our Labour weekend holiday this weekend. However; i spent a day and a half moving out of my current house...maybe ill share why in a week or so (!?!) but its because of working in a new location.

  That has meant my stuff is all in boxes this week so no ability to paint as that will require tearing everything apart..but what i DID get done was assembling some stuff. 

   Continuing with the theme of Primosole bridge in Sicily for more Bolt action scenarios, of course the story doesn't finish with the airborne forces fighting each other...the final scenario will feature the Durham Light Infantry and supporting British armour.  I had been thinking about this as we attended MOAB last month, and although one of the prizes left when it was my turn to choose a prize ( Thank you sponsors, Bryan and Andrew) was a Rubicon Sherman.. but i hadn't done my due diligence with research into which variant was present and yet something told me it wasn't the correct model i needed , so I put it back and got a fantastic Knights of Dice Jungle hut (MDF terrain) instead- thanks Viv & Team! 

  Anyway, my instincts were right, I needed the Mk3 ( diesel ) variant with small hatch & low bustle turret. These are the tanks that were used at the bridge by 3rd County of London Yeomanry ( 3 CLY-  " The Sharpshooters") in the battle. Rubicon make just such a variant;

 So, this is it! look at all those beautiful sprues...jam packed, right? NOPE!!!! Thats just the leftover bits after assembling the model i needed!!!! check this out;

​This taken into account i am REALLY impressed by the versatility of this kit!!! you can see all the same sprues in the background that were shown in the first pic- spare large hatch hull, high bustle turret and basically every main armament except the 75mm. By leaving the turret cupola unglued, and the upper hull just cliped into the lower hull, it opens the door to utilising these through being interchangeable..( although the colour schemes for the periods concerned will of course be various and undoubtedly different - but whos complaining here? Not me!!)

 I have yet to get online and check whether the extra armour about the bow MMG and other hatch 'bulge/protrusion' were present at the time of sicily '43. but thats a  2 second add before final clean up and painting;

​Here's the Sherman with the other two large things i knocked up this week...Why?!? because i reduced two boxes into the one carry case for tanks now for the move , haha! These two are the Warlord Tiger 1. Thoroughly enjoyed putting these together too. Note i have different things going on with the cupolas/pintle MMGs due to testing best ways for secure haulage to avoid breakages and also have 1 tank with a removable/interchangeable closed hatch and open hatch with panzer commander.

​lastly, ive been scrubbing the resin release agent off these bad boys!!...FJR and Brit Airborne casualties, and collapsed parachute canopys...all ready to paint up in my new digs!!

   Hope you all got something done this weekend..even if you didnt get a long one! :)

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3846 Hits

Video battle report - The Battle for Primosole Bridge

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This is our first a "Bolt Action" battle report - German Fallschirmjager vs British Airborne- Played between Dan & Rex, your hosts at Valhalla Games. This follows on from the two part podcast special by us on the historical background of the battle in Sicily, 1943. The podcast can be found here; . We hope you enjoy it. Feel free to subscribe to this blog and of course the podcast in your preferred podcast app. All feedback is welcome.
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Fortress Budapest - New Bolt Action Campaign book

Fortress Budapest - New Bolt Action Campaign book, Pre-order now on various sites, due out 21 Mar 2019 (or so they say)

No further details that I have found.

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3738 Hits

Podcast EP2: Conquering ‘Tournament Fear’

 Episode 2: Conquering 'Tournament Fear' is live now...

Welcome back! In This episode we present some info for the first -time attendee of any wargame event/tournament, so you can be well prepared to be able to feel relaxed, roll some dice, and have plenty of fun!

This is set against a backdrop of us taking our first steps to preparing for The Bolt Action 2 Day event at MOAB 2018 in Sydney, Australia in September.

We hope you enjoy it and find it most useful!!

Rex and Dan.

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3539 Hits

New Warlord/Bolt Action US infantry boxed set comparison

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A new US infantry boxed set has been released recently by Warlord games for bolt action. Below are some comparisons between the old set and the new. So I guess I will be selling my old set then !! (still on the sprew) Screen shots from this review:


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9506 Hits

Unboxing; Offensive & Perry miniatures Fallshirmjager

this is an Unboxing & size comparison of Offensive Miniatures and a work- in-progress Perry Miniatures 1/56 scale German Fallshirmjager, part of a Bolt action sicily themed FJR force im painting up!

Here is the link: the video should also show below.

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4613 Hits
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Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

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