Something to play after the book goes to print tomorrow

 Something to play after the book goes to print tomorrow

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New list builder app from Warlord games

Valhallagames kickstarter launcing VERY soon click on the link below for details.


New list builder app from Warlord games announced today full details in the YouTube video below. Hopefully valhallagames can get early access and give you feedback. It would be REALLY great to have a mobile friendly list builder solution for Bolt Action.

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3407 Hits

The Guerilla Painter strikes again

​One does whatever is required to get the figures onto the table... 

This is the result of hoteliers thinking that their guests all want "mood" lighting and not proper lights anywhere in their rooms ...except the bathroom apparently! 

  That and neighbouring guests snoring so loudly that I firstly couldn't get to sleep and then second; woke up at 0520.

  And yes...although I'm away for work who DOESN'T take figures and paint away with them??!!?? The answer is , of course; the wargamers who look back and wish they'd spent a couple of hours in their hotel bathrooms painting last night and this morning.

  And YES of course it turns out  I'd left a couple of colours at home that i wish I'd brought with me- its traditional for the guerilla painter! But its great to be getting layers on and making some progress while sensibly leaving the areas I wanted to leave for my painting hobby  light/magnifying glass such as faces etc. 

   Apologies ...but now you'll understand and hopefully forgive me for the poor lighting and slightly blurry images!

  Stay classy, Dunedin colorblind  Hedgehog bathroom-painting collective. 


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1295 Hits

Podcast interview Pat Smith the author of the "Setting the scene" series of books

I have recorded an interview with Pat Smith the author of the "Setting the scene" series of books and

Pat does some of the most amazing wargames tables that I have ever seen, especially winter war. 

Coming soon!

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1455 Hits

"No Surrender 2020" Bolt Action Event.

​The No surrender Event was held a couple of weeks ago here in Christchurch, New Zealand. 

We have this event and my ( Dan) games as a feature in our next podcast, to be released soon to ( firstly) our Patrons via Patreon. Then soon afterward as a general release on your favourite podcast app and afterward, our Youtube channel. Check it out! If you are interested in receiving content such as this early and would like to help support us please feel free to click on the link on our homepage and check out our Patreon.

  Heres the pics to follow along with the podcast to find out whats going on...i better not spoil the results or fun here!! ;) 

Heres a ( poor! ) pic of my Soviet army laid out, and then a a closer shot of the vehicles i received and painted to tabletop standard quickly to get onto the table for the event
the "Tunisian" table...our battlefield for game 1; German Heer & SS vs Soviets
The "cratered" table...scene of my second game; Soviet Naval troops with armoured support vs my Soviet infantry based force
dog mines close in on their targets..whilst the burned out hulk of the SPG- that the other dog mine team has destroyed -stands witness the the battle of the grassy knoll!!!

​Game 3 vs a veteran Japanese Infantry army ..back on the Tunisian table.

Onto Day 2..starting with a Game on the "Bocage" table shown below;

And Finally...Back to the Tunisian table for the final game vs Regular British Late -war infantry...

So thats it everyone...tune in to the podcast for results and details! Thanks and we look forward to us joining us then. Dan.


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1617 Hits
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Next podcast less than a week away...

Next podcast less than a week away... "Freeze frame" all about miniature photography plus the usual chit chat about hobby and products.

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1437 Hits

When a Fail isnt a Fail...

​Well, the holiday period is a memory of a long time ago in a galaxy far far away for all of us now! Remember holidays?! neither.

However, as followers will note, I decided to make a crazy commitment to paint 12 seperate sets of models in my "Twelve days of Xmas " blogpost i did immediately before Christmas. How did I do?!!?....

Well; I failed. 

BUT; Did I ? in the post-new years resolution semi apocalyptic wasteland of Mid February, where guess many people are regrettably feeling down- I actually dont! Why? because i set a massive bold target that was always going to be a big ask. With the ethos that anything worth doing is worth overdoing, i threw myself into the task and achieved WAAAAAY more than i possibly would have if i hadnt made a public announcement of crazy intent!!

Between travelling to a seperate piece of the country, enjoying family time over the holidays  and then getting deployed to an exercise mid/late Jan i was hamstrung for carting large pieces of terrain and tanks on my paint list away. But, excuses aside, i feel like i 'shot for the moon and landed among the stars' anyway with the quantity i did get done. so without further ado heres what i got done;

Hope you agree and maybe you can relate or you might find it helpful to take another look at some of your projects you feel you 'Failed' at yourself and see them in a more positive light...remember its fun not life or death, and if you had a great holiday but ALSO suprised yourself with better productivity due to the challenge, then its got to be good for you! so i AM planning to do the "12 days of xmas " challenge again next xmas- whos with me??!!?

Regards, Dan.

1; FJ pak 40
2: Pz IV and Pz III
4: Commercial Italian Buildings ( Front view)
4; And the same from the rear.
5: The pieces from the ( ammended) 5 that were finished - pontoon bridge and french style fountain
6: German Heer HQ models ( substituted the sniper model in for the original refuelling model from the pledge post )
7; ( Unfinished) Warhammer quest character and creature models..minotaurs were mostly done.. and 9: Warhammer Quest doorways
10; Transported WW2 German Heer troops, magnetised for stability and removal.
11. ( changed) Eleven British Airborne casualties / paras getting canopies under control after landing/ LMG gunner with captured MG42.
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1919 Hits

Something completely different

Something completely different, zero dollar secret Santa

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1631 Hits

Dan's Scatter terrain-o-rama for WWII Chain of Command & Bolt Action

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Dan's Scatter terrain-o-rama for WWII Chain of Command & Bolt Action on YouTube:

Dans scatter terrain build comes to fruition!

Manufacturers links: 

Anyscale Models;
Charlie Foxtrot;
Supreme Littleness Designs; 

Thanks for watching! Please "like' if you enjoyed it and consider subscribing and telling others about our channel. Regards, Rex & Dan.

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2511 Hits

Bolt Action podcast listing

A listing of Bolt Action Podcasts is now on the static part of our web site click here or on the image below:

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1700 Hits

75 years anniversary, Op. Market Garden.

 75 years anniversary, Op. Market Garden....

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1709 Hits

Forward a week ; to the past....!

In the quest to play something different and offer a chance for my regulat gaming buddy Dave to get a game with his Pike & Shotte , we moved from my FJ playing his IJA in bolt action last week to Me playing Royalists in a game of English Civil War ( ECW) Pike & Shotte this week. It was fun to be doing something different and learning ( well-sort of , despite Dave being a good teacher haha!) A new game. 

It was good to find out that P&S is  very similar to Black Powder , a game i intend on purchasing and playing properly in the future...but a little disconcerting that i played it as poorly as a drunk stick insect conducting the 'Last night of the proms"!! 

  However; another positive thing was how great Daves armies looked ranked up..made me long for that Warhammer Empire army on the certainly whet the appetite and nice that my suspicion i missed ranked unit movements and bonuses such as  flank attacks etc having gravitas in regards to combat, etc etc. Bodes well for my Black Powder purchase in the future. 

  Thanks Dave, Thanks for having two armies ready to go, and bringing all the gear to play including period scenery of your own!! It felt great to help someone play a ruleset no one has helped him play before..a good feeling for any of us to have that reciprocal social contract fulfilled for sure.

  1908 Hits
1908 Hits

Bolt Action Artillery Flowchart

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Stop press, I think there are a couple of corrections I need to make. File offline for the moment.

I don't know if anyone else finds the Bolt Action Artillery complicated, its not bad when its just aimed at a squad of guys but once its aimed at a vehicle and if that vehicle has troops inside it starts to get complicated pretty quickly.

I have made up a one page flowchart. I think it's right (might be wishful thinking!) but if anyone has corrections please let me know and I will amend it for everyone's use. Consider this one Version 1!

Hope it's helpful and doesn't just confuse you more :-)

The PDF download is at the link here

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3533 Hits

Warlord web-based campaign: D-Day

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This new facebook page is open now:

Looks interesting, the blurb:
"Warlord Games presents a 3 month long web-based campaign that draws on three of our major game systems: Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies & Cruel Seas. Based on the actual events in the run-up to Operation Neptune and on to the liberation of Paris. This campaign will be driven partly by the narrative of this historical event, and you, the gamer!
More details are to follow! Keep an eye out for our official D-Day campaign website (launching soon!), with information on how to sign up and much more!"

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Nice terrain pic, thanks Dan

 Photo from our latest game and video report (here)

Full res image here

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Friday Photo; Chinese Nationalist Propaganda Poster, (Japanese War into WW2)

Inspired to share by Brad Morrins "Cast Dice" podcast regarding chinese forces in bolt action, here is a nationalist poster i found tucked in a corner at the propaganda poster museum in Shanghai.

   It is worth noting that in Shanghai i couldnt find any museum with weapons , uniforms etc etc from the war....the nationalists have basically been expunged from history, and due to the coalition, my opinion is tackling how that worked for the war to be won caused too many headaches and questions...therefore simply not referencing that part of history started to be the norm.

   The main references i found were from the end of the struggle and the seizing of Shanghai by communist forces, in which the nationalists were referred to in every case as 'the enemy'. So much so, that i thought the pictures must have been the battle of shanghai vs the japanese at first until i rechecked the dates and detail of the pictures....

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2966 Hits

British 8th army infantry paint guide

British 8th army infantry paint guide, draft version in case your interested. I don't claim to be the best painter but if this helps someone you are welcome. Get it here

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5771 Hits

The Fresh Minty Burst Of Trop FJ

Squad of Tropical Fallschirmjager ( With breathmint reinforcements) stand easy on my shelf after varnishing. This is the last of the units i committed to finishing on our youtube channel on my channel update & plastic hoard vid....hooray!!

​Plus: 2 ponys and a peed mattress walked into a bar.......Oh wait. No....They got laid into the street as a barricade. (!!) I got this barricade finished also this evening also. 

   Its unfortunate the lighting was poor and the 'set up' for photo so poor, but heres another terrible shot focussing on the barricade  to see the barricade height and some more detail of horses markings etc.

 Painted Minis completed since Dec 15th, Dan;


  • 24 Italian Coastal Defense Division infantry ( Based by Rex- thank you!)
  • 2x Italian heavy weapons teams
  • 1x Italian Artillery piece incl. 3 crew and spotter
  • 15 x German FJ in smocks
  • 9 x German FJ Tropical fatigues


  • 1x Italian Church
  • 1x Stone Bridge
  • 1.5 m2 of teddy bear fur hay and grass fields
  • Painted ONLY; 1x medium (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • Painted ONLY; 1x small (!) Hill ( Made by Rex)
  • 1x table worth of textured flexible rural roads
  • 1 x street barricade ( ponys, mattress, crate & sandbags)



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2176 Hits
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Relatively easy terrain project for Bolt Action

Relatively easy terrain project, basically free unlimited Normandy houses & a great project for the kids. Start to get your D-Day/operation Overlord action going now.

Well done Dan Buman (and

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4600 Hits

British Commonwealth Infantry (Desert) Sprue review

Wanting to finally see proper pictures of the new commonwealth infantry sprue heads??!!? Here they are! close up and into detail. Hope they help some of you, as I was getting frustrated not seeing the full detail from Warlord....Enjoy!

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2958 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at

...and don't forget if you would like to support us