In preparing for the MOAB convention in Sydney, I decided my theme would be; whatever will get the most stuff ticked off my list, while including something awesome and historical....AHA!! that'll be British 6th Airborne Div Recce troop in Normandy along with captured Sdkfz 10/4!!! ( See below for historical image).
Of course, some of this project isn't even ON my list- But time to get it added so I can tick it off!!
This project has been threatening to become reality with all the random cheap Recce jeeps and commonwealth jeeps I' ve been picking up here and there the past 2 years. Plus, it became reality when I bought a Rubicon Sdkfz 10, and was fortunate enough to win Rubicon's facebook page banner competition for August. When I asked for one of the cheapest kits they make ( the flak 30 that completes the 10/4 construction) , I'm pretty sure they took pity on me as a complete lunatic and immediately succumbed to my suggestion that they might (please!) have airborne crew sprues from a commonwealth jeep available at the factory somewhere...and VOILA!! all the kits and parts required to make this historical build! Thank you so much Rubicon Models, you rock.
Also done in this pic are offensive miniatures' parachute drop containers, some animals for farm terrain dressin.
Note that the winter cam Tiger I tanks were NOT done by me... I picked up these two tanks at a steal on Trade Me. Robert is the name of the gentleman who did these, and he's started up a website selling commission painted miniatures and terrain. Here's his website , go take a look;
I might take some pics of them for another post. Anyway, they were getting a shot of matt varnish over the decals when everything else was getting theirs done.
Heres the list updated with what i have completed and in progress for those of you who are playing along at home ( or just want to laugh at my folly). Updates are in BOLD;
Tropical FJ for our book's " How to paint tropical Fallschirmjager" video, linked to our you tube page- DONE!!!
British M7 Priest SPG -IN PROGRESS- Being detailed and weathered
5 x D&D Characters- DONE
1x goat, 2 x Cows, 1 mule, 1 German shepherd, teddy bear
2 sheep, 2 Geese, 4 chickens on bases- DONE
FJ and pack mule
Para chaplain and chaplain
5 dak infantry vehicle mounted
1 British airborne morris- IN PROGRESS, basecoated, camo underway
SIX(!! Yes ive doubled the original number for insanity check purposes) British airborne jeeps ( various patterns & manufacturers)-DONE!
2 Airborne jeep trailers - IN PROGRESS, basecoated
20 Airborne jeep crew- DONE
4 x Brit airborne containers DONE
2 parachute canopies on ground DONE
1 skaven engineer
12 skaven stormvermin
10 empire huntsmen
1 empire Hellstorm rocket battery and crew
1 empire musician/bear mascot
5 empire outriders
4 x Luftwaffe tropical ground crew
German marder III gun and crew
German schwimmwagon x 3
Assemble and paint UNIC P107 half track
Lorraine Shlepper
Repair SS tank rider MG42 DONE
Vampire counts roadshrine
Mussolini and Skorzeny
Greater Demon of Khorne
German Vampire officer
27 Offensive,empress and westwind German Battle of Berlin 'last levy' DONE
Repair ruined keep, broken masonry DONE
3 x SW Landspeeders
Arjac rockfist
Njarl Stormcaller termi and power armour
SW Iron Priest on foot and mounted torso
18 Bloodclaws
SW HQ landraider
SW Rhino
2 x lascannon longfangs
12 plastic FJ
6 westwind FJ with P/Fausts DONE
6 SS pioneers DONE
7Luftwaffe Field Regt 88 crew. DONE
2 x Hungarian infantry
Soviet flag at Reichstag vignette
4 x metal offensive FJ